Need some guidance on how to approach a request for a stored procedure

  • I was asked to write a SP for a developer with the following logic


    So here is the table layout

    MatNum   VerNumMat   MatDesc                                          SpecSta

    ----------- ----------- --------------------------------------        -------

    199         1                  100 ga Allied 2500 biax nylon film           I

    199         2                  100 ga Allied 2500 biax nylon film           I

    199         3                  100 ga Allied 2500 BON film                    I

    199         4                  100 ga Allied 2500 BON film                    I

    199         5                  100 ga Allied 2500 BON film                    I

    199         6                  100 ga Allied 2500 BON film                    I

    199         7                  100 ga 2500 BON film                             A

    The MatNum & VerNumMat are the Pk

    VerNumMat is the version of the you could probably already guess the SpecSta is the status.

    I = Inactive

    A = Active

    H = Hold

    D = Development


    The developer wants to be able to query the table and return the MatNum, MatDesc based on the following logic


    IF the SpecSta is an A or D Return SpecSta, VerNumMat, MatNum

    Elseif SpecSta is an H Return SpecSta, VerNumMat, MatNum

    Elseif SpecSta is an I Return MAX REVISION SpecSta, VerNumMat, MatNum

    ELSE Nothing



    My Question

    How do I go about pulling a query that gets me a list of just the MatNums (because there are multiples in the table) to use as the select criteria for the logic.

    Or put another way, I think I need to run a subquery to obtain a list of distinct MatNum so I can then select against the table to pull a subset of information

    and then run the logic against that subset of information to return some values.


    Any advice is appreciated



  • I am not sure what you mean by MAX REVISION.  This sounds like a pretty simply query; to that end, I may have misunderstood just precisely what you are looking for... 

    Here is some sample data including yours and a stored procedure which will return data dependent upon the input... 

    IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'dbo.Product') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

    DROP TABLE dbo.Product


    CREATE TABLE dbo.Product( MatNum integer,

                                                 VerNumMat integer,

                                                 MatDesc varchar(35),

                                                 SpecSta char(1))

    INSERT INTO dbo.Product

    SELECT 199, 1, '100 ga Allied 2500 biax nylon film', 'I' UNION ALL

    SELECT 199, 2, '100 ga Allied 2500 biax nylon film', 'I' UNION ALL

    SELECT 199, 3, '100 ga Allied 2500 BON film', 'I' UNION ALL

    SELECT 199, 4, '100 ga Allied 2500 BON film', 'I' UNION ALL

    SELECT 199, 5, '100 ga Allied 2500 BON film', 'I' UNION ALL

    SELECT 199, 6, '100 ga Allied 2500 BON film', 'I' UNION ALL

    SELECT 199, 7, '100 ga 2500 BON film', 'A' UNION ALL

    SELECT 200, 1, '200 ga Allied 2500 biax nylon film', 'H' UNION ALL

    SELECT 200, 2, '200 ga Allied 2500 biax nylon film', 'H' UNION ALL

    SELECT 200, 3, '200 ga Allied 2500 BON film', 'D' UNION ALL

    SELECT 200, 4, '200 ga Allied 2500 BON film', 'D' UNION ALL

    SELECT 200, 5, '200 ga Allied 2500 BON film', 'I' UNION ALL

    SELECT 200, 6, '200 ga Allied 2500 BON film', 'A' UNION ALL

    SELECT 200, 7, '200 ga 2500 BON film', 'A'

    --SELECT * FROM dbo.Product

    IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'dbo.GetProducts') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)

    DROP PROCEDURE dbo.GetProducts






    CREATE PROC dbo.GetProducts

    @SpecSta char(1)



                          WHEN SpecSta = 'I'

                          THEN 'Inactive'

                          WHEN SpecSta = 'A'

                          THEN 'Active'

                          WHEN SpecSta = 'H'

                          THEN 'Hold'

                          WHEN SpecSta = 'D'

                          THEN 'Development'

    --                      ELSE ' ' -- It does not look as if you will need this...

                  END AS SpecSta,

                 VerNumMat, MatNum

    FROM dbo.Product

    WHERE @SpecSta = SpecSta







    EXECUTE dbo.GetProducts 'I'



    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • This may be the logic Lee's looking for...

    SELECT MAX(VerNumMat) AS Revision, 'I' AS SpecSta, a.MatNum 
    FROM Product a
    JOIN(SELECT DISTINCT MatNum FROM Product WHERE SpecSta = 'I')b
    ON a.MatNum = b.MatNum
    WHEREa.SpecSta = 'I'
    GROUP BYa.MatNum

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Hi buddy! 

    Either you're right or you're SCC razy...   

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Well thanks for the posts guys.  I got more information finally from my supervisor and he showed me a different direction basically with nested If statements and a temp table.


    The goal changed as well from the original story I got.  This information is going to be used to feed into a different process.  SO...the stored procedure will run against a table, and have two portions. 


    The first portion will check to make sure the information isn't in the temp table, if it isn't it will grab the matnum, desc and status and enter it in the table.


    The second process will check for the revision number and then do an update to the row thus getting the basic results.


    I had never thought about using a staging\temp table or anything like that...but then again I was never really told the scope of the request either...darn developers


    Thanks again guys...maybe once I get it written I will post the code to better explain what I was talking about.



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