Need help on Dynamic SQL

  • My table and data as follow,


    declare @tPosiHdr TABLE (

    TID int not null,

    BusN varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    TTime varchar(6) not null,

    strPosi varchar(6)not null,

    DDate datetime not null


    insert into @tPosiHdr values(1,'ADR3344','120000','00','09/01/2009')

    insert into @tPosiHdr values(2,'WNR4474','130000','00','09/02/2009')

    insert into @tPosiHdr values(3,'WKM1955','190000','00','09/04/2009')

    insert into @tPosiHdr values(4,'WKM1955','150000','00','10/13/2009')

    insert into @tPosiHdr values(5,'TXM4478','130000','00','10/16/2009')

    insert into @tPosiHdr values(6,'TXM1925','170000','00','11/02/2009')

    insert into @tPosiHdr values(7,'KTX1955','150000','00','11/09/2009')

    declare @tPosiDtl_200909 TABLE(

    TID int not null,

    KT varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    HPT varchar(6) not null


    insert into @tPosiDtl_200909 values(1,'0','1')

    insert into @tPosiDtl_200909 values(2,'0','1')

    insert into @tPosiDtl_200909 values(3,'1','2')

    declare @tPosiDtl_200910 TABLE(

    TID int not null,

    KT varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    HPT varchar(6) not null


    insert into @tPosiDtl_200910 values(4,'0','1')

    insert into @tPosiDtl_200910 values(5,'1','2')

    declare @tPosiDtl_200911 TABLE(

    TID int not null,

    KT varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    HPT varchar(6) not null


    insert into @tPosiDtl_200911 values(7,'1','2')

    insert into @tPosiDtl_200911 values(8,'0','1')

    insert into @tPosiDtl_200911 values(9,'1','2')


    so far, i've this,

    select t1.TID,t1.BusN,t1.TTime,t1.DDate,

    convert(varchar(4),datepart(yyyy,t1.DDate)) + right('00'+convert(varchar(2),datepart(mm,t1.DDate)),2) as whichTable,


    from @tPosiHdr t1

    left outer join

    (select TID,KT,HPT

    from @tPosiDtl_200909)t2

    on t1.TID=t2.TID

    my result will

    1 ADR3344 120000 2009-09-01 00:00:00.000 200909 0 1

    2 WNR4474 130000 2009-09-02 00:00:00.000 200909 0 1

    3 WKM1955 190000 2009-09-04 00:00:00.000 200909 1 2

    4 WKM1955 150000 2009-10-13 00:00:00.000 200910 NULL NULL

    5 TXM4478 130000 2009-10-16 00:00:00.000 200910 NULL NULL

    6 TXM1925 170000 2009-11-02 00:00:00.000 200911 NULL NULL

    7 KTX1955 150000 2009-11-09 00:00:00.000 200911 NULL NULL

    Actually, i want my SQL is dynamic. If whichTable=200909, the join will be on @tPosiDtl_200909, if whichTable=200910, the join will be on @tPosiDtl_200910, and so on.

    So my result will be,

    1 ADR3344 120000 2009-09-01 00:00:00.000 200909 0 1

    2 WNR4474 130000 2009-09-02 00:00:00.000 200909 0 1

    3 WKM1955 190000 2009-09-04 00:00:00.000 200909 1 2

    4 WKM1955 150000 2009-10-13 00:00:00.000 200910 0 1

    5 TXM4478 130000 2009-10-16 00:00:00.000 200910 1 2

    6 TXM1925 170000 2009-11-02 00:00:00.000 200911 0 1

    7 KTX1955 150000 2009-11-09 00:00:00.000 200911 1 2

    how my dynamic SQL looks like?

    DECLARE @sql as nvarchar(4000)

    SET @sql = ' ????'

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql

    I'm stuck. Me really looking for help.

  • This is really quick and probably dirty. I am trying to come up with a better way to determine the joins cause right now you will need a UNION ALL for each table. Is there a reason each month is split into it's own table? Just wondering if you could get this data from a different source to make it easier.

    select t1.TID,t1.BusN,t1.TTime,t1.DDate,

    convert(varchar(4),datepart(yyyy,t1.DDate)) + right('00'+convert(varchar(2),datepart(mm,t1.DDate)),2) as whichTable,


    from @tPosiHdr t1

    left outer join

    (select TID,KT,HPT, '2009' AS [year], 9 AS [MONTH]

    from @tPosiDtl_200909


    select TID,KT,HPT, '2009' AS [year], 10 AS [MONTH]

    from @tPosiDtl_200910


    select TID,KT,HPT, '2009' AS [year], 11 AS [MONTH]

    from @tPosiDtl_200911


    on t1.TID=t2.TID

    AND DATEPART(yyyy,t1.ddate) = t2.[year]

    AND DATEPART(mm,t1.ddate) = t2.[MONTH]

  • Matt Wilhoite (11/9/2009)

    This is really quick and probably dirty. I am trying to come up with a better way to determine the joins cause right now you will need a UNION ALL for each table. Is there a reason each month is split into it's own table? Just wondering if you could get this data from a different source to make it easier.

    select t1.TID,t1.BusN,t1.TTime,t1.DDate,

    convert(varchar(4),datepart(yyyy,t1.DDate)) + right('00'+convert(varchar(2),datepart(mm,t1.DDate)),2) as whichTable,


    from @tPosiHdr t1

    left outer join

    (select TID,KT,HPT, '2009' AS [year], 9 AS [MONTH]

    from @tPosiDtl_200909


    select TID,KT,HPT, '2009' AS [year], 10 AS [MONTH]

    from @tPosiDtl_200910


    select TID,KT,HPT, '2009' AS [year], 11 AS [MONTH]

    from @tPosiDtl_200911


    on t1.TID=t2.TID

    AND DATEPART(yyyy,t1.ddate) = t2.[year]

    AND DATEPART(mm,t1.ddate) = t2.[MONTH]

    Yes. Each month split into it's own table. If all data into 1 table, the row will be huge. I'm looking the dynamic solution without UNION ALL. If UNION ALL, the table need to be hardcoded.

  • I have a solution that works using a loop and dynamic SQL. But this has some stipulations with it. I changed the table variables to be temp tables as the dynamic part won't work with table variables. Also, you would have to change the @i counter and possible nest another while loop if you are doing this for more than 1 year.

    Edit: One more thing is that I don't know how well this will scale.

    Let me know what you think

    CREATE TABLE #tPosiHdr (

    TID int not null,

    BusN varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    TTime varchar(6) not null,

    strPosi varchar(6)not null,

    DDate datetime not null


    insert into #tPosiHdr values(1,'ADR3344','120000','00','09/01/2009')

    insert into #tPosiHdr values(2,'WNR4474','130000','00','09/02/2009')

    insert into #tPosiHdr values(3,'WKM1955','190000','00','09/04/2009')

    insert into #tPosiHdr values(4,'WKM1955','150000','00','10/13/2009')

    insert into #tPosiHdr values(5,'TXM4478','130000','00','10/16/2009')

    insert into #tPosiHdr values(6,'TXM1925','170000','00','11/02/2009')

    insert into #tPosiHdr values(7,'KTX1955','150000','00','11/09/2009')

    CREATE TABLE #tPosiDtl_200909 (

    TID int not null,

    KT varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    HPT varchar(6) not null


    insert into #tPosiDtl_200909 values(1,'0','1')

    insert into #tPosiDtl_200909 values(2,'0','1')

    insert into #tPosiDtl_200909 values(3,'1','2')

    CREATE TABLE #tPosiDtl_200910 (

    TID int not null,

    KT varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    HPT varchar(6) not null


    insert into #tPosiDtl_200910 values(4,'0','1')

    insert into #tPosiDtl_200910 values(5,'1','2')

    CREATE TABLE #tPosiDtl_200911 (

    TID int not null,

    KT varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    HPT varchar(6) not null


    insert into #tPosiDtl_200911 values(7,'1','2')

    insert into #tPosiDtl_200911 values(8,'0','1')

    insert into #tPosiDtl_200911 values(9,'1','2')

    CREATE TABLE #temp (

    tid INT,

    BusN VARCHAR(20),

    TTime VARCHAR(6),


    whichTable VARCHAR(6),

    KT VARCHAR(20),



    DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(1000)


    DECLARE @iChar VARCHAR(10)

    SET @i = 9

    SET @iChar = NULL

    WHILE @i < 12


    IF @i < 10


    select @iChar = '0'+CONVERT(CHAR(1),@i)



    SET @iChar = @i

    select @sql = 'insert into #temp

    select t1.TID,t1.BusN,t1.TTime,t1.DDate,

    convert(varchar(4),datepart(yyyy,t1.DDate)) + right(''00''+convert(varchar(2),datepart(mm,t1.DDate)),2) as whichTable,


    from #tPosiHdr t1

    left outer join

    (select TID,KT,HPT

    from #tPosiDtl_2009'+@iChar+'


    on t1.TID=t2.TID

    where datepart(mm,t1.ddate) = '+CONVERT(VARCHAR,@i)

    EXEC (@sql)

    SET @i = @i + 1


    SELECT * FROM #temp

    DROP TABLE #temp, #tPosiHdr, #tPosiDtl_200909, #tPosiDtl_200910, #tPosiDtl_200911

  • Matt Wilhoite (11/9/2009)

    I have a solution that works using a loop and dynamic SQL. But this has some stipulations with it. I changed the table variables to be temp tables as the dynamic part won't work with table variables. Also, you would have to change the @i counter and possible nest another while loop if you are doing this for more than 1 year.

    Edit: One more thing is that I don't know how well this will scale.

    Let me know what you think

    CREATE TABLE #tPosiHdr (

    TID int not null,

    BusN varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    TTime varchar(6) not null,

    strPosi varchar(6)not null,

    DDate datetime not null


    insert into #tPosiHdr values(1,'ADR3344','120000','00','09/01/2009')

    insert into #tPosiHdr values(2,'WNR4474','130000','00','09/02/2009')

    insert into #tPosiHdr values(3,'WKM1955','190000','00','09/04/2009')

    insert into #tPosiHdr values(4,'WKM1955','150000','00','10/13/2009')

    insert into #tPosiHdr values(5,'TXM4478','130000','00','10/16/2009')

    insert into #tPosiHdr values(6,'TXM1925','170000','00','11/02/2009')

    insert into #tPosiHdr values(7,'KTX1955','150000','00','11/09/2009')

    CREATE TABLE #tPosiDtl_200909 (

    TID int not null,

    KT varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    HPT varchar(6) not null


    insert into #tPosiDtl_200909 values(1,'0','1')

    insert into #tPosiDtl_200909 values(2,'0','1')

    insert into #tPosiDtl_200909 values(3,'1','2')

    CREATE TABLE #tPosiDtl_200910 (

    TID int not null,

    KT varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    HPT varchar(6) not null


    insert into #tPosiDtl_200910 values(4,'0','1')

    insert into #tPosiDtl_200910 values(5,'1','2')

    CREATE TABLE #tPosiDtl_200911 (

    TID int not null,

    KT varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    HPT varchar(6) not null


    insert into #tPosiDtl_200911 values(7,'1','2')

    insert into #tPosiDtl_200911 values(8,'0','1')

    insert into #tPosiDtl_200911 values(9,'1','2')

    CREATE TABLE #temp (

    tid INT,

    BusN VARCHAR(20),

    TTime VARCHAR(6),


    whichTable VARCHAR(6),

    KT VARCHAR(20),



    DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(1000)


    DECLARE @iChar VARCHAR(10)

    SET @i = 9

    SET @iChar = NULL

    WHILE @i < 12


    IF @i < 10


    select @iChar = '0'+CONVERT(CHAR(1),@i)



    SET @iChar = @i

    select @sql = 'insert into #temp

    select t1.TID,t1.BusN,t1.TTime,t1.DDate,

    convert(varchar(4),datepart(yyyy,t1.DDate)) + right(''00''+convert(varchar(2),datepart(mm,t1.DDate)),2) as whichTable,


    from #tPosiHdr t1

    left outer join

    (select TID,KT,HPT

    from #tPosiDtl_2009'+@iChar+'


    on t1.TID=t2.TID

    where datepart(mm,t1.ddate) = '+CONVERT(VARCHAR,@i)

    EXEC (@sql)

    SET @i = @i + 1


    SELECT * FROM #temp

    DROP TABLE #temp, #tPosiHdr, #tPosiDtl_200909, #tPosiDtl_200910, #tPosiDtl_200911

    Dear Mister,

    I want to make it column whichTable is a variable on @iChar, so my statement


    from #tPosiDtl_2009'+@iChar+'




    Can you give me the syntax?

    Now, You give me a hope 🙂

  • Well, I have already done a loop and thats just a nicer word for cursor. I don't have access to a test environment right now but I will write one up tomorrow morning. If you want to get started you can do something like this: write a cursor for the distinct values of year and month from the main table. Then loop through those values changing the @sql variable as you go and inserting into the #temp table. I will post a more formal answer in the morning.

  • You may get rid of dynamic SQL problems by converting "Excel-style" tables to more appropritate form:

    CREATE VIEW dbo.tPosiDtl_2009

    -- view which contains all records for the whole year


    select TID, KT, HPT, '200901' WhichTable

    from tPosiDtl_200901


    select TID, KT, HPT, '200902' WhichTable

    from tPosiDtl_200902


    select TID, KT, HPT, '200903' WhichTable

    from tPosiDtl_200903


    select TID, KT, HPT, '200904' WhichTable

    from tPosiDtl_200904


    ......... -- rest of the months here

    select TID, KT, HPT, '200909' WhichTable

    from tPosiDtl_200909


    select TID, KT, HPT, '200910' WhichTable

    from tPosiDtl_200910


    select TID, KT, HPT, '200911' WhichTable

    from tPosiDtl_200911


    select TID, KT, HPT, '200912' WhichTable

    from tPosiDtl_200912


    -- Now use this view as a table:

    select t1.TID, t1.BusN, t1.TTime, t1.DDate,

    t2.whichTable, t2.KT, t2.HPT

    from tPosiHdr t1

    left outer join tPosiDtl_2009 t2 on t1.TID = t2.TID

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Matt Wilhoite (11/9/2009)

    Well, I have already done a loop and thats just a nicer word for cursor. I don't have access to a test environment right now but I will write one up tomorrow morning. If you want to get started you can do something like this: write a cursor for the distinct values of year and month from the main table. Then loop through those values changing the @sql variable as you go and inserting into the #temp table. I will post a more formal answer in the morning.

    Let's refresh, my table not table variables anymore

    Let's say, My table structure and data sample as follow,


    CREATE TABLE tPosiHdr (

    TID int not null,

    BusN varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    TTime varchar(6) not null,

    strPosi varchar(6)not null,

    DDate datetime not null


    insert into tPosiHdr values(1,'ADR3344','120000','00','09/01/2009')

    insert into tPosiHdr values(2,'WNR4474','130000','00','09/02/2009')

    insert into tPosiHdr values(3,'WKM1955','190000','00','09/04/2009')

    insert into tPosiHdr values(4,'WKM1955','150000','00','10/13/2009')

    insert into tPosiHdr values(5,'TXM4478','130000','00','10/16/2009')

    insert into tPosiHdr values(6,'TXM1925','170000','00','11/02/2009')

    insert into tPosiHdr values(7,'KTX1955','150000','00','11/09/2009')

    CREATE TABLE tPosiDtl_200909 (

    TID int not null,

    KT varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    HPT varchar(6) not null


    insert into tPosiDtl_200909 values(1,'0','1')

    insert into tPosiDtl_200909 values(2,'0','1')

    insert into tPosiDtl_200909 values(3,'1','2')

    CREATE TABLE tPosiDtl_200910 (

    TID int not null,

    KT varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    HPT varchar(6) not null


    insert into tPosiDtl_200910 values(4,'0','1')

    insert into tPosiDtl_200910 values(5,'1','2')

    CREATE TABLE tPosiDtl_200911 (

    TID int not null,

    KT varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    HPT varchar(6) not null


    insert into tPosiDtl_200911 values(7,'1','2')

    insert into tPosiDtl_200911 values(8,'0','1')

    insert into tPosiDtl_200911 values(9,'1','2')


    so far, i've this,

    select t1.TID,t1.BusN,t1.TTime,t1.DDate,

    convert(varchar(4),datepart(yyyy,t1.DDate)) + right('00'+convert(varchar(2),datepart(mm,t1.DDate)),2) as whichTable,


    from tPosiHdr t1

    left outer join

    (select TID,KT,HPT

    from tPosiDtl_200909)t2

    on t1.TID=t2.TID

    my result will

    TID| BusN |TTime | DDate | whichTable| KT | HPT


    1 ADR3344 120000 2009-09-01 00:00:00.000 200909 0 1

    2 WNR4474 130000 2009-09-02 00:00:00.000 200909 0 1

    3 WKM1955 190000 2009-09-04 00:00:00.000 200909 1 2

    4 WKM1955 150000 2009-10-13 00:00:00.000 200910 NULL NULL

    5 TXM4478 130000 2009-10-16 00:00:00.000 200910 NULL NULL

    6 TXM1925 170000 2009-11-02 00:00:00.000 200911 NULL NULL

    7 KTX1955 150000 2009-11-09 00:00:00.000 200911 NULL NULL

    I want to make it my SQL is dynamic.

    The rule is

    -- If whichTable=200909, the join table will be on tPosiDtl_200909

    -- If whichTable=200910, the join table will be on tPosiDtl_200910, and so on.

    So my result will be,

    TID| BusN |TTime | DDate | whichTable| KT | HPT


    1 ADR3344 120000 2009-09-01 00:00:00.000 200909 0 1

    2 WNR4474 130000 2009-09-02 00:00:00.000 200909 0 1

    3 WKM1955 190000 2009-09-04 00:00:00.000 200909 1 2

    4 WKM1955 150000 2009-10-13 00:00:00.000 200910 0 1

    5 TXM4478 130000 2009-10-16 00:00:00.000 200910 1 2

    6 TXM1925 170000 2009-11-02 00:00:00.000 200911 0 1

    7 KTX1955 150000 2009-11-09 00:00:00.000 200911 1 2

    It's possible my SQL will be dynamic?

    I'm thinking of using @tblTemp and loop of While End.

    DECLARE @tblTemp TABLE (

    tid INT,

    BusN VARCHAR(20),

    TTime VARCHAR(6),


    whichTable VARCHAR(6),

    KT VARCHAR(20),



    WHILE statement here ...

    i dont know how to get @whichTable here ...

    select @sql = 'insert into @tblTemp

    select t1.TID,t1.BusN,t1.TTime,t1.DDate,

    convert(varchar(4),datepart(yyyy,t1.DDate)) + right(''00''+convert(varchar(2),datepart(mm,t1.DDate)),2) as whichTable,


    from tPosiHdr t1

    left outer join

    (select TID,KT,HPT

    from tPosiDtl_'+@whichTable+'


    on t1.TID=t2.TID

    EXEC (@sql)

    -- SQL coding here ..


    As a result, me easily can query as

    SELECT * FROM @tblTemp

  • Ok, I think this will work. You can replace all of the table names with your actual tables except for the #temp table. This will loop through each month and year in the #tPosiHdr table and find the corresponding detail table for it.

    CREATE TABLE #tPosiHdr (

    TID int not null,

    BusN varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    TTime varchar(6) not null,

    strPosi varchar(6)not null,

    DDate datetime not null


    insert into #tPosiHdr values(1,'ADR3344','120000','00','09/01/2009')

    insert into #tPosiHdr values(2,'WNR4474','130000','00','09/02/2009')

    insert into #tPosiHdr values(3,'WKM1955','190000','00','09/04/2009')

    insert into #tPosiHdr values(4,'WKM1955','150000','00','10/13/2009')

    insert into #tPosiHdr values(5,'TXM4478','130000','00','10/16/2009')

    insert into #tPosiHdr values(6,'TXM1925','170000','00','11/02/2009')

    insert into #tPosiHdr values(7,'KTX1955','150000','00','11/09/2009')

    CREATE TABLE #tPosiDtl_200909 (

    TID int not null,

    KT varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    HPT varchar(6) not null


    insert into #tPosiDtl_200909 values(1,'0','1')

    insert into #tPosiDtl_200909 values(2,'0','1')

    insert into #tPosiDtl_200909 values(3,'1','2')

    CREATE TABLE #tPosiDtl_200910 (

    TID int not null,

    KT varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    HPT varchar(6) not null


    insert into #tPosiDtl_200910 values(4,'0','1')

    insert into #tPosiDtl_200910 values(5,'1','2')

    CREATE TABLE #tPosiDtl_200911 (

    TID int not null,

    KT varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    HPT varchar(6) not null


    insert into #tPosiDtl_200911 values(7,'1','2')

    insert into #tPosiDtl_200911 values(8,'0','1')

    insert into #tPosiDtl_200911 values(9,'1','2')

    CREATE TABLE #temp (

    tid INT,

    BusN VARCHAR(20),

    TTime VARCHAR(6),


    whichTable VARCHAR(6),

    KT VARCHAR(20),



    DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(1000)

    DECLARE @tableYear VARCHAR(10)

    DECLARE @tableMonth VARCHAR(2)




    FROM #tPosiHdr t1

    OPEN whichTable

    FETCH NEXT FROM whichTable INTO @tableYear, @tableMonth



    select @sql = 'insert into #temp

    select t1.TID,t1.BusN,t1.TTime,t1.DDate,

    convert(varchar(4),datepart(yyyy,t1.DDate)) + right(''00''+convert(varchar(2),datepart(mm,t1.DDate)),2) as whichTable,


    from #tPosiHdr t1

    left outer join

    (select TID,KT,HPT

    from #tPosiDtl_'+@tableYear+@tableMonth+'


    on t1.TID=t2.TID

    where datepart(yyyy,t1.ddate) = '+@tableYear+'

    and right(''00''+convert(varchar(2),datepart(mm,t1.DDate)),2) = '+ @tableMonth

    --PRINT @sql

    EXEC (@sql)

    FETCH NEXT FROM whichTable INTO @tableYear, @tableMonth


    SELECT * FROM #temp

    CLOSE whichTable

    DEALLOCATE whichTable

    DROP TABLE #temp, #tPosiHdr, #tPosiDtl_200909, #tPosiDtl_200910, #tPosiDtl_200911

  • Kindest Matt Wilhoite,

    Your direction give me an accurate resultset. 😀


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