Losing precision on cast

  • I’m hoping someone can assist me with SQL Syntax. I have a view which is used to create a bank transfer file. The amount column may not contain decimals, and must be padded with zeros. However, the syntax that I use causes the amount field to sometimes drop 1c. The point at which this happens is when I do the cast(sum(amount) * 100 as int). Before I convert to int, the values are still correct. As soon as I convert to int, it drops 1c off the end.

    I am able to replicate the behavior with the following code:

    CREATE TABLE dbo.test_conv(

    [supplier] [char](8) NOT NULL DEFAULT (' '),

    [amount] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0))

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    insert into dbo.test_conv values ('SUP01', 33117.38)

    insert into dbo.test_conv values ('SUP02', 33117.34)

    SELECT supplier, sum(amount *100) as int_val,

    cast(left( replicate( '0', 11 ), 11 - len(cast(cast(sum(amount) *100 as int) as varchar(11))) ) + cast(cast(sum(amount) *100 as int) as varchar(11)) as char(11)) as amount from test_conv group by supplier

    Have a look at “int_val2” – it drops 1c…

    If you add a few more examples, you will see that it doesn’t happen for all values:

    insert into dbo.test_conv values ('SUP03', 804.11)

    insert into dbo.test_conv values ('SUP04', 10109.36)

    insert into dbo.test_conv values ('SUP04', 25000)

    insert into dbo.test_conv values ('SUP05', 33711.38)

    insert into dbo.test_conv values ('SUP06', 1226.64)

    insert into dbo.test_conv values ('SUP07', 11853.05)

    In the list above, only 'SUP05', 33711.38 has the problem

    If I do not convert to int, I get the following error:

    Arithmetic overflow error for type varchar, value = 3311738.000000. (for the value 33711.38)

  • The problem is the datatype you are using for amount. Here is some code I put together that appears to work, give it a try.



    sum(cast(round(amount * 100,0) as int)) as int_val,

    right(replicate('0',11) + cast(sum(cast(round(amount * 100,0) as int)) as varchar(11)), 11) as amount



    group by



    STR(sum(amount), 11,2),

    ' ', '0')

    Is it what you are looking for?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • This works PERFECTLY - thanks very much, Lynn!

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