Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM', Very straing

  • I am seeing this also. I granted owner permission to the NTAUTHORITY account for the first database it tries to hit. It run this batch twice:


    SELECT size / 128.0 as fileSize,

    FILEPROPERTY(name, 'SpaceUsed') / 128.0 as fileUsed,

    CASE WHEN max_size = -1 OR max_size = 268435456 THEN -1 ELSE max_size / 128 END as fileMaxSize,

    CASE WHEN growth = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END as IsAutoGrow,

    is_percent_growth as isPercentGrowth,

    growth as fileGrowth,


    FROM sys.master_files WITH (NOLOCK)

    WHERE type = 0 AND is_read_only = 0

    AND database_id = 36

    Then this batch:


    SELECT fg.name as fileGroupName,

    fg.data_space_id as fileGroupId,

    fg.is_read_only as fileGroupReadOnly

    FROM sys.filegroups fg WHERE type = 'FG' AND fg.is_read_only = 0

    Then is tries to open another db and fails and goes back and runs the first batch on the first db again.

    Anyone figured this out yet?


  • Oops, I didn't notice the 2nd page of replies.

  • I had a problem very similar to yours.

    Do you have Operations Manager by any chance?

    I do and operations manager was probing a database every 15 mins for stats info. The prob was the db was in single user mode therefore I kept getting a login error.

  • andersson_par (5/3/2013)

    SCOM it is!

    To make this work use a service account to run the scom agent service with this:

    Member of "Performance Monitor Users" local group

    Member of "Event Log Readers" local group if OS is Windows 2008 or Windows 2008 R2

    Member of "Distributed COM Users" local group if SQL Server is running in a clustered configuration

    Full access to Cluster if SQL Server is running in a clustered configuration

    Permission to Log On Locally

    SQL permission to VIEW ANY DEFINITION

    SQL permission to VIEW SERVER STATE

    SQL permission to login in each database including system databases

    Member of "SQLAgentReaderRole" in msdb database

    Thanks for sharing!

  • Thanks anthony.green, didn't know about/how to run a trace, that helped me.

  • You can resolve this by adding read access for the system account to the database. For the error:

    Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database 'model'.

    adding a mapping to the model db with public access for the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM login eliminated the error.

  • Thought I would add to this thread as I have just had the exact same issue and have nailed the culprit.

    System Center Management Service Host Process

    The network admin set-up SCOM to monitor SQL but did not set the "run as" account. Therefore it runs under the nt authority/system account and subsequently gets access denied when trying to poll the DBs. My trace and SQL error logs were identical to that posted above.

  • This was resolved 3 years ago.

    The SQL Guy @ blogspot[/url]


    About Me[/url]

  • What can I do if the login fails on my DR server? We use log shipping, so all DBs are in restoring mode.

  • Indeed. Apologies. Like another earlier poster I too missed the subsequent pages of replies and didn't see that the offending process had been identified.

    I wish I had it would have saved me an hour or so of further digging around before finding what it was and coming back to report.

  • I had some login failures today from NT Authority\SYSTEM and it turned out to be from SCOM.

    Here's the error from the SQL Error log:
    Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database 'DatabaseName'

    and here's the message from the Operations Manager log:
    Management Group: PRODGSSCOM. Script: DiscoverSQL2014FileGroups.js : Cannot login to database [servername][MSSQLSERVER:DatabaseName]

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