linked server connection to mysql

  • How can I make a linked server connection to mysql via ODBC? The ODBC-connection works well with DTS or ACCESS. But SQL2000 refuses with following error:

    "Error 7399. OLEDB-provider MSDASQL reported an error. Drivers SQLSetConnectAttr failed.Can't connect on server MYSERVERNAME (10060)". I tried all security contexts.

  • Does it work from the local server? If it does, then this doesn't make sense.

    Steve Jones

  • Thank you, Steve. You are right. I use another gateway on my client from where I can connect to mysql. But the sql-server uses another one. It took me some days to convince the administrator to give me a route and open the 3306-mysql-port, but now it works fine.

  • Thanks for the follow up.

    Glad its working for you.

    Steve Jones

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