Linked Server Access problems


    Adding the registry key looks like it made it run in-process and now I have no problem starting up the Jet Provider and accessing the linked server data with a normal user login.

    I still wish I understood exactly what goes on when it tries to start it out-of-process, what account is used, and what rights that account needs. Oh well, it works now...

    Thanks so much everyone for your help!!!!

  • As to "what does the account need to run this" The following appears to be a problem in both SQL7 and SQL2000

    "PRB: Need to Map to Default Admin Account and Use NULL for Password In Order to Query Linked Server to Access Database";EN-US;285833


    at us, very deafly, a most stares

    collosal hoax of clocks and calendars


    at us, very deafly, a most stares
    collosal hoax of clocks and calendars


  • I had seen this issue before, and I had tried mapping all MSDE logins to the workgroup file's Admin account with a NULL password. Didn't change anything. The interesting thing is now everything is working fine and I'm not mapping the MSDE logins to the Admin account. I'm mapping them to a specific user account in the Access workgroup file using the specific user account password. And it works great. So I don't know if Microsoft fixed the problem in SP3a or if for some reason this problem doesn't apply to my specific case since it is all integrated Windows security and not SQL Server security?


  • If the Admin Account has a NULL password Jet authentication is not good. Try changing Admin password to other than Null

    * Noel

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