
  • select

    Distinct (e.empID),empName,lc.CountyName

    from Indicator I, emp e

    inner join OfficeCounty oc on oc.empid=e.empid

    inner join LookupCounty lc on lc.countyid=oc.countyid

    where e.jobid = I.IndicatorID

    and I.UserRoleID >= 9)

    I am looking for distinct values in the above query but the rows are repeated, pls let me know where am I worng.

    getting 2800 rows where I have to get only 250 rows

  • Is there any reason why you do not have any join conditions between Indicator and emp tables?  As it stands, it will produce a cartesean product (cross join) between the two tables and might be why you are getting more rows than you expect.



  • Actually there is  condition in where clause like

    e.jobID = I.IndicatorID


    but anyways how can i get rid of the cartesian product and get only distinct values

  • First, don't mix old-style and ANSI join syntax.  Rewrite something like this:

    select Distinct (e.empID),empName,lc.CountyName

    from Indicator I

    inner join emp e on e.jobid = I.IndicatorID

    inner join OfficeCounty oc on oc.empid=e.empid

    inner join LookupCounty lc on lc.countyid=oc.countyid

    where I.UserRoleID >= 9

    Second, you say you only want distinct values: does that mean you only want each value of e.empID to appear once?  If so, how are you going to decide which row to select?


  • but still didnt work...

  • when I have DISTINCT for empid y does empid duplicate in this scenariao?

  • You're probably getting "Distinct" combinations of your 3 select fields

    If your data has 2 identical empID's with the same empName and CountyName, you'd get 1 row back

    If your data has 1 empID with multiple combinations of empName and/or CountyName, you'd get multiple rows back

    If this latter example is the case, you'd probably need to tweak your WHERE clause a bit (maybe use a subquery)




    Distinct (e.empID),empName

    from Indicator I, emp e

    where e.jobid = I.IndicatorID

    and I.UserRoleID >= 9)


    actually for the above query how can i get countyname in my select list from the tablles



  • Having no concrete idea of what your table structure looks like...does this get close?


    DISTINCT e.empID, e.empName, c.countyName

    FROM emp e

    JOIN indicator i ON e.empID = i.indicatorID

    JOIN lookUpEmp l ON e.empID = l.empID

    JOIN lookUpCounty c ON l.countyID = c.countyID

    WHERE e.jobID = i.indicatorID AND i.userRoleID >=9


  • SELECT e.empID, empName, lc.CountyName

    FROM emp e

        JOIN (

                SELECT oc.empid

                    -- You have to decide which county you want.

                    -- Just taking the lowest ID here

                    ,MIN(oc.countyid) AS countyid

                FROM OfficeCounty oc

                GROUP BY oc.empid

            ) D

            ON e.empid = D.empid

        JOIN LookupCounty lc

            ON D.countyid = lc.countyid

    -- As not selecting from Indicator, use EXISTs to stop the possibility of multiple rows


            SELECT *

            FROM Indicator I

            WHERE I.IndicatorID = e.jobid

                AND I.UserRoleID >= 9


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