Issue with SQL Server standard reports


    Unable to open schema change history report after migration. It is loading for almost 30 mins.

    You can right click on instance - standard rerport - schema change history


    What could be the reason? I am using the updated ssms.

  • I would look at the SQL coming in to SQL Server to understand what is happening.

  • Here is the sql below:


    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name = 'EXAMPLE',

    @recipients = '',

    @from_address = '',

    @subject = 'TEST - EXAMPLE Scripts',

    @body = 'EXAMPLE UPDATE'

  • that report uses the default trace, if the service hasn't been restarted in a long time the trace may be quite large.  You can see how long it has been running:

    SELECT start_time, path FROM sys.traces WHERE is_default = 1;

    If you just want to see more recent events, you can look in the current file, and even filter by DatabaseName if you want:

    SELECT td.DatabaseName, AS Event, td.StartTime,
    td.ObjectID, OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME (td.ObjectID, td.DatabaseID) AS SchemaName, td.ObjectName, td.LoginName, td.HostName, td.ApplicationName
    FROM sys.traces t
    CROSS APPLY ::fn_trace_gettable(t.path, default) td
    INNER JOIN sys.trace_events te ON td.EventClass = te.trace_event_id
    WHERE t.is_default = 1
    AND td.EventClass IN (46,47,164)
    AND td.DatabaseName = 'mydbname'
    AND td.EventSubClass = 0
    ORDER BY td.StartTime DESC;

    To see all the contents you'd need a slightly more complex query:

    DECLARE @path NVARCHAR(260);
    SELECT @path = REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE([path]), CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE([path])), 260)) + N'log.trc'
    FROM sys.traces
    WHERE is_default = 1;

    SELECT td.DatabaseName, td.Filename, AS Event, (td.IntegerData * 8) / 1024 AS ChangeMB, td.StartTime, td.ObjectID, td.ObjectName, td.LoginName, td.HostName, td.ApplicationName, td.TransactionID
    FROM sys.fn_trace_gettable(@path, DEFAULT) td
    INNER JOIN sys.trace_events te ON td.EventClass = te.trace_event_id
    WHERE EventClass IN (46,47,164)
    AND td.DatabaseName = 'mydbname'
    ORDER BY StartTime DESC;
  • yes, this could take a while if you didn't disable telemetry extended events. At least that's the case on my local SQL 2016 instance, although there is no load, only used as scratch paper. It collected a lot.

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