Is this possible

  • Hello everyone,

                        I would like to know if this is possible




    Here dbo.TRUE_VALUE() is a user-defined function. Why i  want this behaviour is because we have 3rd party people who give us space on their sql server with different ID. And if that changes, I need to change all the locations where i have used hard-coded dbo.

    Or otherwise, Is there is any other behaviour to work around this

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • No, you can't reference objects dynamically that way.


  • Oh OK,

                  Any other work around to handle this situation easily can really be a great help for me



  • You'd have to code everything with dynamic sql on the server anyways to do this. It might be easier to do it client side. Unless someone has some mapping trick with the users???

  • I didn't mention dynamic SQL, simply because it isn't 'an easy' way...

    But, to gather an opinion of oneself, please go to and read the article entitled "The curse and blessings of dynamic SQL."


  • The easy way would be a mapping of some kind... probabely possible but I just got no clue to where to even start looking. The dynamic sql client side wouldn't be too bad. But then again you lose many advantages of the procs doing that.

  • Well I think there is a way

    M$ uses this all the time in their replication procedures which are all over the place in the publisher, distribution and subscriber databases.

    you can do this:

    declare @procname sysname, @paramvalue int, @retvalue int

    select @procname = 'databasename'+ '.' + 'ownername'  + '.' + 'procedurename'

         , @paramvalue = 0  -- dummy example parameter

         , @retvalue = 0    -- dummy example returnvale

    exec @retvalue = @procname @paramname


    * Noel

  • Hi, Hemant Kumar

    Here dbo.TRUE_VALUE() is a user-defined function. Why i  want this behaviour is because we have 3rd party people who give us space on their sql server with different ID. And if that changes, I need to change all the locations where i have used hard-coded dbo.

    Why you should change dbo.?

    -- login as "sa"

    use tempdb


    if object_id('fn_test', 'FN') > 0 drop function fn_test


    create function fn_test()

    returns sysname



        return SUSER_SNAME()



    grant execute on fn_test to public


    select dbo.fn_test()


    -- login as 'test_user'

    use tempdb


    select dbo.fn_test()


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