Is there a way to retrieve the count of all records in a database?

  • I was recently tasked with verifying the results of a DTS copy objects package that cloned our production environment down to our Development and Test environments. The manager wanted to know the count of all the records on all all three servers.

    After some brute force programming, I was able to capture the information.

    Later I wrote a small stored procedure to do the same task. The stored proc takes one parameter and then calculates to total record count of all tables owned by dbo in the database.

    But then it occured to me that perhaps Microsoft had already provided this functionality somewhere in the default install. I looked in the system stored procedures in master as well as the extended stored procedures, but I didn't find anything.

    Has anyone seen a way to do this?

  • Don't think this is included. You could the (undocumented) SP_msForEachTable stored procedure to automatically loop through all the tables, getting the count and storing it in a temp table.

    After that, you can get the total easily from the temp table.


    Select Sum(RowCnt) From SysIndexes

     Where ObjectProperty(id,'isUserTable')=1 and indid in (0,1)

  • Try this

    use northwind


    sp_msforeachtable 'select ''?'', count(*) from ?'

  • BOL 2000:


    Reports and corrects inaccuracies in the sysindexes table, which may result in incorrect space usage reports by the sp_spaceused system stored procedure.


  • use northwind


    sp_msforeachtable 'sp_spaceused ''?'''

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