Is it possible toalign report parametrs

  • I have Report in which i have two show one parameter in one line and other in second row ..

    please let me know if any sugeestions:)

  • Indu:

    As far as I know the only thing you can do is change the order of your parameters.

    A trick that you may want to try (because the parameter entry field will default to the size of the largest value) is set a default value and add a lot of spaces. It may not look to pretty and I haven't tried it myself so it is just a suggestion.

    I would love it if we could modify the size of the parameter fields as well, hopefully they are making this happen in 2008.

    Sorry, and I hope this helps a little bit.

  • try using this in single textbox

    Parameters!Param1.Value & vbcrlf & Parameters!Param2.Value

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