Insert spaces before upper case characters

  • Hi,

    Is it possible to write a script which inserts a space before all upper case characters in a string expression (apart from the first character obviously)?



  • It should be.

    I think you can use STUFF() function for that.

    Use that at index of each character that is an uppercase.


    The only reason I feel lazy to write the script out is because I suspect this to be homework.

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  • Cheers but this isnt homework, im looking for this code so the guy that builds our ssis packages can insert spaces in the field names of our tables in the data warehouse. any help with the script would be much appreciated.

  • I am at work so cannot spend too much time on this....

    Something along the following lines should work:

    declare @input varchar(30)

    declare @output varchar(900)

    set @input = 'ThisIsNotGood.ButWillCheckItOut'

    select @output = case

    When ascii(substring(@input, N, 1)) between 65 and 90 Then @output + ' ' + substring(@input, N, 1)

    else @output + substring(@input, N, 1)


    From Tally

    where N<len(@input)

    print 'result:'

    print @output

    Point to note: This is not working ... I need to debug it.

    Point to note: I use tally table for this. If you don't know what a tally table is, its a basic table of a sequence of integers.

    Search this site for a script on how to create one.

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  • cheers i'll take a look

  • just incase you need it.

    Here is a solution for if you data is stored in table and you want to do more than one row at a time.

    DECLARE @table TABLE

    (Input VARCHAR(MAX))

    INSERT INTO @Table

    SELECT 'IReallyHopeThisWorks.' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'IfNotPleaseLetMeKnow'




    WHEN PATINDEX('%[A-Z]%',SUBSTRING(Input,N,1) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN) != 0

    THEN ' ' + SUBSTRING(Input,N,1)



    FROM Tally WHERE N <=LEN(Input) FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')

    FROM @table

    This also uses a tally table

    Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas Henry Huxley

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