Init caps

  • I have a table with columns job_name,department,city.They are strings like

    job_name=software engineer

    city=new hampshire

    department= clinical labs.This is one row in the table which is having tousands of rows.

    I wanted to convert this data to the format Software Engineer,New Hampshire,Clinical Labs

    The first letter of the each word should be of capital.

    Can anyone tell me a stored procedure or some other way to acieve this..

  • You might try this UDF:

    This script came from: Angela But --

    CREATE FUNCTION fnTitleCase (@instring nvarchar(256))

    RETURNS nvarchar(256)


    --This function will evaluate an input string and convert it to title-case format.

    -- It uses the delimchars parameter to determine what are the triggering characters

    -- to indicate capitalization of the subsequent character


    DECLARE @strptr INT

    DECLARE @outstring nvarchar(255)

    DECLARE @strChar char(1)

    DECLARE @delimchars nvarchar(256)

    SET @outstring = ''

    SET @strptr = 0

    IF @delimchars is NULL

    /* Plug in typical upper-case delimiters. */

    /* NOTE: For localization purposes, you may wish to modify this */

    SET @delimchars = ' ''-_.,'

    /* Loop through the entire string */

    WHILE @strPtr < len(RTRIM(@instring))


    SET @strptr = @strptr + 1

    SET @strchar = SUBSTRING(@instring,@strptr,1)

    IF @strptr = 1 /* Assume that first character must always being


    SET @outstring = UPPER(@strchar)

    ELSE /*Check for other upper-case trigger character */

    IF CHARINDEX(SUBSTRING(@instring,(@strptr - 1),1),@delimchars) > 0

    -- SET @outstring = SUBSTRING(@outstring,1,@strptr)+UPPER(@strchar)

    SET @outstring = @outstring+UPPER(@strchar)


    SET @outstring = @outstring+LOWER(@strchar)


    RETURN @outstring


    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • This doesn't meet my requiremnts.Can u tell me the procedure for all the records not for a single entry.Thanks

  • There was an article by Steve Jones, called Tame Those Strings, Part 7, that probably needs to be only slightly modified for what you're trying to do.

  • On a similar note, if my SQL 7 database is set up to be case insensitive, how would I go about checking whether a column is all upper case or not?

    If I did just a

    where address1 = upper(address1)

    I get everything back



  • Thnak you very much for your help.I appreciate ur help..

  • AndreQ try

    Select Top 10

    Case When Convert(Varbinary,Short_Descr)=Convert(Varbinary,Upper(Short_Descr))

    Then 'Yes'

    Else 'No' End

    From Item

  • Cool! I have been trying to use binary_checksum to do this, with varying results. Never thought about converting to varbinary.


    Jay Madren

    Jay Madren

  • Thanks Jay. It worked really well.

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