Incrementing a substring

  • Hi,

    I am currently trying to increment the highest value of a substring in a column. The strings are in the format

    L* - N*[L]

    where each L denotes a letter and each N an integer. The [L] in brackets is optional. I search for certain records using the letter prefix and then increment the NNNN part, but I want to be able to ignore any records that have the optional [L].

    I have got as far as stripping off the text prefix at the start, but keep coming into problems when trying to find the optional [L]. Is there a function where I can check if something is an integer or not? I was thinking about checking the ASCII value...but surely there must be a simpler way?

  • If what you need is to check only the final character to see if it's numeric, you could do something like this:

    if (right(@var_or_column_here, 1) like '[0 - 9]') stuff... 


    Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

  • Still having problems with another part of it, but that was very helpful. Thank you Mia

  • No worries! If you can't solve your other problem, it may be worth posting a code snippet to see if anyone can help.


    Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

  • does ISNUMERIC work for you???

  • Doh! Of course - why do it your own long-winded way when there is a T-SQL function?!


    Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

    WHERE LEFT(Col,1) = 'F' AND ISNUMERIC(RIGHT(Col,1)) = 1



  • can you SEPARATE The Three components into COLUMNS. It is going to me ALOT easier to maintain, simpler to query against an probably Faster!!


    * Noel

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