Incremental value based on duplication of fields

  • Hi,

    In a temporary table (Table_A) I have several instances of duplicate records. When loading these into Table_B there is a Primary Key based on 4 fields. 3 of these values will be populated from Table_A and the 4th should be a sequential count based on the number of instances the 3 fields match.


    Table_A (contains approx 500,000 records)

    K1, K2, K3,

    17, 18, AA,

    17, 18, AA,

    17, 19, AA,

    18, 19, BB,

    18, 19, BB,

    18, 19, BB,

    19, 19, BB,

    19, 20, AA,

    Table_B (with additional sequence identifier)

    K1, K2, K3, S1

    17, 18, AA, 1

    17, 18, AA, 2

    17, 19, AA, 1

    18, 19, BB, 1

    18, 19, BB, 2

    18, 19, BB, 3

    19, 19, BB, 1

    19, 20, AA, 1

    Any ideas please?

    Thanks in advance,

  • Look up ROW_NUMBER() OVER... in BOL


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

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  • DECLARE @table AS TABLE(

    k1 INT,

    k2 INT,

    k3 VARCHAR(2))

    INSERT INTO @table (k1,k2,k3)

    SELECT 17, 18, 'AA'

    UNION ALL SELECT 17, 18, 'AA'

    UNION ALL SELECT 17, 19, 'AA'

    UNION ALL SELECT 18, 19, 'BB'

    UNION ALL SELECT 18, 19, 'BB'

    UNION ALL SELECT 18, 19, 'BB'

    UNION ALL SELECT 19, 19, 'BB'

    UNION ALL SELECT 19, 20, 'AA'

    SELECT k1,



    Row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY k1, k2 ORDER BY k3 DESC) AS s1

    FROM @table


    Damn. Posted that way too slow 😛

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  • Thanks guys.

  • That is good for SQL 2005 how about SQL 2000?

  • Almost impossible. My advise is upgrade to SQL Server 2005, then start looking at Oracle which has top() over(), lag, lead, and a number of other really cool analytic functions.

    Kidding 🙂 Well, sort of.

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