How to use inner join instead of where exists statment ?

  • I work on sql server 2012 i face issue ican't replace (where exists)

    by inner join

    so How to do it

     SELECT pr.partid


    parts.Nop_Part pr with(nolock)
    inner join extractreports.dbo.RequiredPartsPL rp with(nolock) on rp.partid=pr.partid

    inner join Parts.Nop_PackageAttribute pa WITH(NOLOCK) on pa.packageid=pr.packageid

    inner JOIN dbo.Core_DataDefinitionDetails dd WITH(NOLOCK) ON pa.[Key] = dd.ColumnNumber --and dd.acceptedvalueid=64

    exists(select 1 from extractreports.dbo.getrelatedkeyandvaluepackage g where g.Featureid=dd.acceptedvalueid and g.valueid=pa.value )

    group by pr.partid


    so how to replace statement above by inner join instead of using where exists


  • As its a existence check, you should just be able to remove the where exists and switch it to an inner join instead, you have the syntax and the joining columns already so you just change

    exists(select 1 from

    to an inner join

  • Just be careful switching to an inner join if that is a 1 to many 🙂


  • There's one big thing you are missing from your question - What are you trying to accomplish?  Changing the EXISTS clause to a join will cause you to have duplicate values from the parent table. If you want that, that's fine. But you haven't explicitly stated what your goal is in terms of query results. That's why you're getting generic answers.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by  pietlinden.
  • pietlinden wrote:

    There's one big thing you are missing from your question - What are you trying to accomplish?  Changing the EXISTS clause to a join will cause you to have duplicate values from the parent table. If you want that, that's fine. But you haven't explicitly stated what your goal is in terms of query results. That's why you're getting generic answers.

    It's an extremely valid point.

    Why they (or anybody else) would want to do that?

    I always user any opportunity to do the opposite thing - replace an INNER JOIN with WHERE EXISTS.

    Unless i's a test question meant to check some basic SQL skills, the answer is - don't do it.

    And if it is a test question - the answer should be - RTFM.

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