how to keep away from identity as primary key

  • Hello,

    I know that if my primary key is identity it slows down the system

    I am designing a new database.

    two of the tables are question (questionid int (PK identity), questionnarrative, etc)

    Quiz (quizid int(PK,identity), quizname, etc

    I will have a huge huge number of questions and quizzes

    Is there a way to keep away from identity and it is better to specify the column as largeint instead of int


  • I know that if my primary key is identity it slows down the system

    Where did you hear that from? First, are you concerned about an identity column being used as a primary key, a clustering key or both? They don't necessarily have to be the same.

    As a general rule, I recommend the Kimberly Tripp recommended best practice of making the clustered index an identity column.

    You can read her blog here:!.aspx.

  • Sarsoura (11/8/2012)

    I know that if my primary key is identity it slows down the system

    Not sure where you heard that from but that's the diametric opposite of what usually happens.

    See the link that George provided above for a primer on the subject.

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