How to determine if a DB is currently being used

  • Hi - I'm looking for advice regarding the best & quickest way to establish whether or not a SQL2012 DB is being used.

    Many thanks


  • As in is a user connected? Or has anyone been running queries. Those are two different things.

    I believe when someone connects, sp_who2 shows they are in the database, and I believe there is a shared lock.

    If you want to know if anyone has used the database in the last xxx days, you likely need an Extended Event trace looking for any activity in that database.

  • You can have a look at sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats() to see if there have been any reads or writes since the last time the SQL Server Service was started.

    Once you've decided that no on is using it, don't just drop it.  Just take it offline and wait for 6 weeks to see if the proverbial phone rings.

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  • Enable "auto close" for that database and monitor the sql server errorlog to see when it is being brought online.




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  • Personally (and I can hear the collective groans), I'd put Extended Events to work on the database. Capture all queries run against. The reason I say this, index usage stats will tell you if the database is being touched... but not by whom or why? Maybe you have an automated thing that's doing something, who knows what, but not a single person is ever touching the database. Capturing the queries lets you know what's going on. rpc_completed and sql_batch_completed, both filtered for the database in question.

    Then, 100% with Jeff, take it offline for some weeks, see who screams, before you drop it.

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  • Oooh, I like the autoclose. That's an easy one.

  • Any connection accessing a database will, at the very least, hold an S (Share) lock on the database. That S lock prevents others from taking exclusive control of the DB while it is in use.

    All active locks may be viewed with the sys.dm_tran_locks DMV.

    To simply see if a database is in use:

    DECLARE @DBToCheck sysname = '<your_db_name>';
    IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.dm_tran_locks
    WHERE resource_type = 'DATABASE'
    AND resource_database_id = DB_ID(@DBToCheck))
    SELECT @DBToCheck + ' is in use.' AS [Result];
    SELECT @DBToCheck + ' is not in use.' AS [Result];

    To see who is using the DB, when they last used it, and if there are any active transactions:

    DECLARE @DBToCheck sysname = '<your_db_name>';
    SELECT tl.request_session_id, tl.request_mode, tl.request_type, tl.request_status,
    s.login_name, s.[host_name], s.open_transaction_count, c.last_read, c.last_write,
    s.last_request_start_time, s.last_request_end_time
    FROM sys.dm_tran_locks tl
    JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections c ON tl.request_session_id = c.[session_id]
    JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions s ON tl.request_session_id = s.[session_id]
    WHERE resource_type = 'DATABASE' AND resource_database_id = DB_ID(@DBToCheck);

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by  Eddie Wuerch. Reason: added BOL link to sys.dm_tran_locks

    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

  • Here is a simple query I run to see when a database was last accessed.

    SELECT TOP 10000 s.[database_id]











    FROM [master].[sys].[dm_db_index_usage_stats] as s right outer join sys.databases d on s.database_id = d.database_id

    where d.database_id > 4

    order by

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