How to detect missing full backups and make them

  • I have a transaction log backup maintenance plan that runs every 15 minutes to back up the logs for all databases, but the task fails if someone adds a new database to the server and doesn’t make a full backup before the maintenance plan runs.

    Does someone know of a good way to detect which databases lack full backups and have the full backups made before the transaction log backup script runs?

    Another way to approach this would be to not rely on a single "backup all transaction logs" step, but to be more specific about what gets backed up, and have a supplemental step that reports on databases that are not part of any backup maintenance plan.

    Thank you,

    Mike Chabot

  • What version are you working with? Enterprise? Standard? Compact? XE? 2005, right?

    IF there were no SSMS tool available, I would suggest that you have to have a quasi RBAR process where you cycle through the database names, run the backup for that database individually, and then write a record to an auditing table that the backup was executed. That way, you could (a) control for failure on an individual database and record it, and (b) have another table that you could use to compare against the system table of databases to identify which databases were not implemented correctly.

    Even better would be to have the appropriate controls in place that databases and/or tables are not added willy-nilly into the environment, but there has to be a formal review. Making offenders clean up after themselves (if they don't get themselves fired) will often fix misbehaving developers.

    There are plenty other threads on the forums that address this, if I remember correctly. Have you searched?

  • It is SQL Server 2005 Standard sp2.

    I found the code that detects whether a backup has ever been made, which is the core of what I'm trying to do.

    SELECT DB_NAME(rs.database_id)

    FROM sys.database_recovery_status rs

    WHERE rs.last_log_backup_lsn IS NULL

    I just have to build in the other logic that surrounds this. I'm hoping to use as much built-in functionality as I can since those solutions are generally more maintainable in the long run.

  • This is what I have now

    --Use trailing slash

    DECLARE @PathToBackupFolder varchar(100)

    SET @PathToBackupFolder = 'D:\DatabaseBackups\'

    DECLARE @PathToSpecificBackupFolder varchar(100)

    DECLARE @FileName varchar(100)

    /*IF object_id('tempdb..#DatabaseList') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #DatabaseList


    CREATE TABLE #DatabaseList (

    id int,

    RecoveryMode sql_variant,

    OnlineStatus sql_variant



    EXEC master.dbo.sp_msforeachdb

    "USE [?]

    INSERT INTO #DatabaseList

    SELECT db_id(),DATABASEPROPERTYEX('?', 'Recovery'),DATABASEPROPERTYEX('?', 'Status')


    /*SELECT *

    FROM #DatabaseList


    DECLARE @dbname varchar(36)

    DECLARE @cmd varchar(255)


    --We only care about databases that are online and that have a recovery mode = FULL

    SELECT db_name(database_id)

    FROM #DatabaseList dl

    INNER JOIN sys.database_recovery_status rs

    ON (

    rs.last_log_backup_lsn IS NULL

    AND dl.RecoveryMode = 'FULL'

    AND dl.OnlineStatus = 'ONLINE'

    AND rs.database_id =


    OPEN dbname_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM dbname_cursor INTO @dbname

    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0


    --Make sure the backup folder exists

    SET @PathToSpecificBackupFolder = @PathToBackupFolder + @dbname + '\'

    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_create_subdir @PathToSpecificBackupFolder

    SET @filename = @dbname + '_backup_' + convert(char(8),getdate(),112) + left(replace(convert(char(8),getdate(),8),':',''),4)

    SELECT @cmd ='BACKUP DATABASE ' + @dbname + ' TO DISK=''' + @PathToSpecificBackupFolder + @filename +'.bak'' WITH INIT, NAME=''' + @filename + ''''

    PRINT @cmd

    EXECUTE (@cmd)

    FETCH NEXT FROM dbname_cursor INTO @dbname


    CLOSE dbname_cursor

    DEALLOCATE dbname_cursor

  • Script will result list of database(s) with no full backup:

    select name from master..sysdatabases

    where name not in(select distinct database_name from msdb..backupset where type='D')


  • Michael Zilberstein wrote a nice blog post that describes why that method doesn't work.

    I tested querying the database_recovery_status table and that table does seem to supply reliable information.

  • M Chabot (3/28/2008)

    ...but the task fails if someone adds a new database to the server and doesn’t make a full backup before the maintenance plan runs...

    Hi Mike...

    Not the answer that you were probably looking for...

    The quote above would be the first thing I'd fix... no one but the DBA's should have the type of access to create a database and no one but the DBA's and certified operators should have the ability to do an adhoc backup. In all cases, there should be a "procedure" that is followed because even a good DBA can forget to do something if there's no checklist.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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