How to create a new database from existing database in SQL Server 2005

  • Hi everyone!

    I want to create a new database from existing database in SQL Server 2005. I need all the objects of old database as it is in new database. However, I have an option to take backup of that database and restore it with different name. But I want to achieve this task with Database Script.

    Please scrap required database script.

    An early reply is requested...

    Thanks in advance..

  • Probably the easiest was is to use the copy database function which will create a package that can be re-run later.  Right click the database, Tasks, Copy Database.

  • Thanks ramses2nd 

    but what I need is a database script (query) to achieve the task.

    Most welcome if have you could provide sql query.

  • Here you go:

    USE master

    BACKUP DATABASE northwind TO DISK='c:\northwind.bak'

    RESTORE DATABASE northwind_new FROM DISK='c:\northwind.bak' WITH MOVE 'logical data file name' TO 'new physical file name', WITH MOVE 'logical log name' TO 'physical log file name'


    That's it.  You'll want to replace northwind with the name of the source database and northwind_new with the name of the target database.  The logical file names can be found by running

    RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM 'c:\northwind.bak'

  • Thanks a lot Jason Hall

    Thats what I wanted..

  • I've used this many works great and is fairly fast...the only catch I've seen is if you are moving it to a different server the assigned users may be incorrect...even if the usernames are the same...easiest to drop and re-add the users once the new database is established...other than that I think it is the best way to make a new db....imho.




  • You could also use Database Publishing Wizard.

    Just give your username , password and datasource , it will automatically generate all your schema and data ,

    into a text file.Viole!


    For wiki here

    Kindest Regards,

    bahadir cambel

  • You need to execute sp_fix_users_login when moving the database from one server to another:



    --- fix_users_login.sql


     use master


     set quoted_identifier off


     if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.sp_fix_users_login'))


      print 'dropping old procedure dbo.sp_fix_users_login'

      drop procedure dbo.sp_fix_users_login




     create procedure sp_fix_users_login



     set quoted_identifier off


     declare @name   varchar(64)


     declare user_csr cursor for

        select name

      from sysusers

          where issqluser = 1

          and name not in ('public','dbo','guest')

       order by name


     open user_csr

         fetch user_csr

       into @name

     print ''

     print char(9) + 'Fixing database users ...' + char(13) + char(13)


     while (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)


      print char(9) + 'Adjusting user ' + @name

      exec sp_change_users_login @Action='Auto_Fix', @UserNamePattern=@name

            fetch user_csr

                  into @name


     print ''

     print char(9) + 'All database users fixed' + char(13)

     close user_csr

     deallocate user_csr


    --- clean up and exit




     use master


     if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.sp_fix_users_login'))


      print 'procedure dbo.sp_fix_users_login created'




    --- fix_users_login.sql



    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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