how to change floor function to Round

  • Here is the FLOOR function I am using , as I know FLOOR will take one paramter but I want  to change to ROUND function as it takes two arguments.
    how to change this statement o ROUND?

    select CAST((FLOOR((E.TotalAmount / COUNT(EE.ID) OVER (PARTITION BY E.ID)) * 100)) / 100 AS decimal(12,2)) AS Employee
    from emp E join student EE
    on E.ID = EE.ID

  • That's the most non-sensical reason for using a different function I've ever heard. If FLOOR does what you need it to do, then use it. If you need a decimal value instead of an integer, that's a different story.
    What are you trying to accomplish? Could you provide some sample inputs and outputs for what you're expecting?

  • floor will round always down so wants to modify with normal math function

    for example - 1.229 will round up to 1.23 .

  • ROUND(num,2) doesn't work for you?

  • How to tweak this statement - using Round

    CAST((FLOOR((E.TotalAmount / COUNT(EE.ID) OVER (PARTITION BY E.ID)) * 100)) / 100 AS decimal(12,2)) AS Employee

  • Actually, ROUND uses 3 parameters. The third parameter indicates if it needs to truncate or round.
    There's a difference on how FLOOR and ROUND work with negatives.
    I explain it further in detail in here: Rounding Tips and Tricks

    Luis C.
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