How long has passed since SQL Server service started?

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item How long has passed since SQL Server service started?

  • Hi Lars. Very nice Scripts , if you could supply the startdate, ( SQL Server was started: Dec 15 2009 9:56AM Time since SQL Server service was started: 33 days 23 hours 17 minutes.) in the Output - It will fullfill it. Thanks 🙂

  • Hi jks-591682

    To get the start time of the service, you could add this line:

    PRINT 'SQL Server was started: ' + CONVERT(char,@starttime)

  • Lars,

    you can also retrieve the start time from this Dynamic Management View

    SELECT sqlserver_start_time FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info

    (Requires VIEW SERVER STATE permission on the server)


  • mchofman (2/4/2010)


    you can also retrieve the start time from this Dynamic Management View

    SELECT sqlserver_start_time FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info

    (Requires VIEW SERVER STATE permission on the server)


    Hi Marco

    That's correct for SQL Server 2008. The sqlserver_start_time in sys.dm_os_sys_info was added in SQL Server 2008 and wasn't there in SQL Server 2005.

    Using the tempdb works for all our current versions 🙂 (yes, we still have SQL Server 2000)

    Kind regards


  • Lars,

    I didn't know it isn't available in SQL 2005. Nice to know for a project I'm working. Thanks for your solution!



  • Fantastic....

  • Hej Lars,

    For SQL Server 2008 you need to change line 1


    SELECT crdate FROM sysdatabases WHERE name = 'tempdb'


    SELECT create_date FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'tempdb'

    Med venlig hilsen

    Henrik Staun Poulsen

    Stovi Software

  • Hi Henrik,

    actually you don't need it, but I agree it would be better practice for SQL Server 2005 as well as SQL Server 2008 to use the sys.databases view which is available from SQL Server 2005 and forward.

    Do do this while still maintaining the compatibility with SQL Server 2000, you could replace this:

    -- determines when tempdb was created (done at startup)

    DECLARE @starttime datetime

    SET @starttime = (SELECT crdate FROM sysdatabases WHERE name = 'tempdb' )

    With this:

    -- determines when tempdb was created (done at startup)

    DECLARE @starttime datetime

    DECLARE @sql_version sysname

    SET @sql_version = convert(sysname, (SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('Productversion')))

    IF (@sql_version NOT LIKE '8.%')


    -- SQL Server 2005 and forward

    SET @starttime = (SELECT create_date FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'tempdb')




    -- SQL Server 2000

    SET @starttime = (SELECT crdate FROM sysdatabases WHERE name = 'tempdb')


    The premises for this however is that you don't execute it on versions older than SQL Server 2000, but I hope you don't have any of them running anyway 🙂

    Best regards

    Lars Søe Mikkelsen

    JN Data

  • Very nice! You can shorten it up a bit though 🙂

    DECLARE @minutesSinceSQLStarted int

    SELECT @minutesSinceSQLStarted = DATEDIFF(MINUTE,

    -- determines when tempdb was created (done at startup)

    (SELECT crdate FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name = 'tempdb'), GETDATE())

    PRINT 'Time since SQL Server service was started: ' +

    CONVERT(varchar(4), @minutesSinceSQLStarted / (60*24)) + ' days ' +

    CONVERT(varchar(2), @minutesSinceSQLStarted % (60*24) / 60) + ' hours ' +

    CONVERT(varchar(2), @minutesSinceSQLStarted % (60*24) % 60) + ' minutes.'

    Scott Pletcher, SQL Server MVP 2008-2010

  • Hi Scott

    Thanks for your improvement input - much appreciated 🙂

    Best regards

    Lars Mikkelsen

    JN Data

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