How do I make a SQL login not have to change it's password?

  • I've created a simple database on my development system and created a regular user to access this new database. Then I've written an application, and started to test it, having it use this new user. Everything is fine, except when I get to the point of opening a connection to the SQL 2005 database. It tells me that the user must change its password. I don't want this user to change its password. I got into SSMS and tried to clear everything so that I could continue working, but SSMS would not accept that.

    So, how do I make SQL Server 2005 let me change the requirement that the new user has to change its password before it can open a connection to the database?


  • This is because you might have created the login with windows policies enforced on it. You need to disable the enforce password policy in login user properties.


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