How do I calculate data with field from one row and field from next row?

  • Hello,

    I am working on a project for a company that needs a report.  The report is using a table with the following data structure:


    patient  varchar(10)

    datebegin datetime

    dateend  datetime

    This is using SQL Server 2000.  The data would be as follows:

    Patient          DateBegin           DateEnd

    A                  1/1/05               1/31/05

    A                   4/1/05              6/30/05

    B                  2/1/05               2/28/05

    B                  3/1/05               5/27/05

    C                  5/2/05               7/1/05

    C                  7/2/05               8/15/05

    Somehow I need to write a query that returns:

    Patient          DateBegin           DateEnd

    A                  1/1/05               1/31/05

    A                   4/1/05              6/30/05

    B                  2/1/05               5/27/05

    C                  5/2/05               8/15/05

    I should be able to group on Patient and return min(datebegin) and max(dateEnd) for that patient.

    The catch is if the datebegin in the second row is not the day following the dateend in the first row, then the query needs to return a record for that row.  We're dealing with policies expiring and renewing. 

    Currently, this is being done with a Cursor and looking at each record, putting the data in variables and then fetch next record and looking at it.  This is not the way I want to go on a production box with over 10 million records.

    Is there a set based solution to this?  Is the best alternative a While Loop?

    Thanks for your help on this one!!  There is no identity field on this table.  I am only a developer and can't change the data structure.



    Things will work out.  Get back up, change some parameters and recode.


    DECLARE @TempTable TABLE


    patient  varchar(10),

    datebegin datetime,

    dateend  datetime


    INSERT @TempTable

    SELECT 'A', '1/1/05', '1/31/05' UNION

    SELECT 'A', '4/1/05', '6/30/05' UNION

    SELECT 'B', '2/1/05', '2/28/05' UNION

    SELECT 'B', '3/1/05', '5/27/05' UNION

    SELECT 'C', '5/2/05', '7/1/05' UNION

    SELECT 'C', '7/2/05', '8/15/05'

    SELECT patient, MIN(datebegin) datebegin, MAX(dateend) dateend



    GROUP BY patient


    SELECT patient, CONVERT(VARCHAR, MIN(datebegin), 101) datebegin, CONVERT(VARCHAR, MAX(dateend), 101) dateend



    GROUP BY patient


  • I appreciate the fast response.

    However, this does not answer the question.  These are methods I had already considered. 

    The problem is that you will get one record per patient for the minimum begindate and maximum endDate.

    There is a clause that if the next begindate is greater than one day, that record should show.  If the next begindte is one day, then you can group the records.

    So for my example you should come up with two records for Patient A.

    Any suggestions?


    Things will work out.  Get back up, change some parameters and recode.

  • Thanks govinn for the DDL, here is one way:


    DECLARE @TempTable TABLE


    patient  varchar(10),

    datebegin datetime,

    dateend  datetime


    DECLARE @Results TABLE


    patient  varchar(10),

    datebegin datetime,

    dateend  datetime


    INSERT @TempTable

    SELECT 'A', '1/1/05', '1/31/05' UNION

    SELECT 'A', '4/1/05', '6/30/05' UNION

    SELECT 'B', '2/1/05', '2/28/05' UNION

    SELECT 'B', '3/1/05', '5/27/05' UNION

    SELECT 'C', '5/2/05', '7/1/05' UNION

    SELECT 'C', '7/2/05', '8/15/05'

    INSERT @Results

    SELECT t.patient, t.datebegin, t.dateend

    FROM @TempTable AS t

            LEFT JOIN @TempTable AS t1 ON t.patient = t1.patient

                    AND DATEADD(d,1,t.dateend) = t1.datebegin

    WHERE t1.patient IS NULL

    UPDATE @Results

            SET datebegin = u.datebegin

    FROM @Results r

            INNER JOIN (SELECT t.patient, MIN(t.datebegin) AS datebegin

                    FROM @TempTable AS t

                            INNER JOIN @TempTable AS t1 ON t.patient = t1.patient

                                    AND DATEADD(d,1,t.dateend) = t1.datebegin

                            GROUP BY t.patient) AS u ON r.patient = u.patient

    SELECT * FROM @Results


  • David,

    Thanks for your help.  I was taken off that project for awhile.  Now I am back on the project.  Life of a consultant.

    I tried your solution and it works great for the dataset posted.

    However, we never know how many user records a user will have.  So I added a few more user records for Member A. 

    INSERT @TempTable

    SELECT 'A', '1/1/05', '1/31/05' UNION

    SELECT 'A', '2/1/05', '2/20/05' UNION

    SELECT 'A', '2/21/05', '3/15/05' UNION

    SELECT 'A', '4/1/05', '6/30/05' UNION

    SELECT 'B', '2/1/05', '2/28/05' UNION

    SELECT 'B', '3/1/05', '5/27/05' UNION

    SELECT 'C', '5/2/05', '7/1/05' UNION

    SELECT 'C', '7/2/05', '8/15/05'

    This caused the query to not get the correct results.

    I got:

    Member   Date Begin              Date End

    A       2005-01-01 00:00:00.000  2005-01-31 00:00:00.000

    A       2005-01-01 00:00:00.000  2005-06-30 00:00:00.000 

    B       2005-02-01 00:00:00.000  2005-05-27 00:00:00.000 

    C       2005-05-02 00:00:00.000  2005-08-15 00:00:00.000 

    It should read (based on data above):

    A       2005-01-01 00:00:00.000  2005-03-15 00:00:00.000

    A       2005-04-01 00:00:00.000  2005-06-30 00:00:00.000 

    B       2005-02-01 00:00:00.000  2005-05-27 00:00:00.000 

    C       2005-05-02 00:00:00.000  2005-08-15 00:00:00.000 

    Any suggestions?  Thanks for the help.

    Things will work out.  Get back up, change some parameters and recode.

  • Does this get you what you are looking for?


    DECLARE @TempTable TABLE


    patient varchar(10),

    datebegin datetime,

    dateend datetime


    INSERT @TempTable

    SELECT 'A', '1/1/05', '1/31/05' UNION

    SELECT 'A', '2/1/05', '2/20/05' UNION

    SELECT 'A', '2/21/05', '3/15/05' UNION

    SELECT 'A', '3/18/05', '3/21/05' UNION

    SELECT 'A', '4/1/05', '6/30/05' UNION

    SELECT 'B', '1/1/05', '1/15/05' UNION

    SELECT 'B', '2/1/05', '2/28/05' UNION

    SELECT 'B', '3/1/05', '5/27/05' UNION

    SELECT 'C', '5/2/05', '7/1/05' UNION

    SELECT 'C', '7/2/05', '8/15/05'

    select a.patient, min(a.datebegin), max(b.dateend)

    from @temptable b where b.patient = a.patient and b.datebegin = dateadd(d, -1, a.dateend))

    from @temptable a inner join @temptable b on b.patient = a.patient and b.datebegin = dateadd(d, 1, a.dateend)

    group by a.patient


    select patient, datebegin, dateend

    from @temptable a

    where not exists (select 1 from @temptable b where b.patient = a.patient and (b.datebegin = dateadd(d, 1, a.dateend) or b.dateend = dateadd(d, -1, a.datebegin)))

  • Chris,

    Yes it does!!!!!!!!

    Thanks so much.  Now I just need to go through query to understand it and see how you came up with it. 

    Thanks again.


    Things will work out.  Get back up, change some parameters and recode.

  • Here is the basic thought. There are two types of rows. Those with another one that starts right after and needs to be combined in the results. The other are rows that need to be in the results just like they are.

    So we use a union to combine the groups. The first sql statement takes care of combining the rows that need to be merged. The second query takes care of the rows that are fine the way they are. Run either half of the union to see how this query really works.

    There is one potential issue with this query. If you have a row that is within the dates of another row for the same patient, you get that row in the results. This case wasn't in your requirements, so I didn't code for it.


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