HOW can we start Multi user mode

  • I had start my server 2000 in Single user mode know how can i start multi user mode

    ERROR :

    Server : Msg 18461

    [Microsfot][ODBC -sql server driver[sqlserver] login failed for user

    'XXX\adminstor' Reason Sql server in single user mode. Only one

    administrator can connect at this time.

    Any body plz explain me step by step

    how can i start multi user mode



  • run this command

    alter database mydb set multi_user

    Edit - This would put the database in single user mode not the server.

    Also, this is a dupicate post. Please post your replies to

    Pradeep Singh

  • Hi This is not Database issue

    It is only server issue

  • I think the error says your SERVER is in single user mode, not the database.

    Is it possible you started the service with the -M switch?



  • Also asked here:

    No more replies to this thread please.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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