History Cleanup Task

  • I am trying to run the history cleanup task once, our history is a bit overboard at this point. However, when I run the task my C:\ drive fills up quickly and it is related to the msdb.ldf file growing out of control. The recovery mode is set to simple, I've tried bulk logged as well. I've even desperately tried auto shrink (I know scary).

    I'm looking for a suggestion on the best way to run the task without this ldf growing and filling up c:\, I suspect I could move it but I was hoping for no downtime. Is there a way to run it without any transactions recorded to the log. This is a predefined maintenance plan in SQL Server 2005.

    Thanks in advance everyone.

  • Can you add another log file on a different partition ? You could do this, run your history maintenance and then remove the log file you added

  • deleting a bit at a time might help you. Say you have 2 years worth of history (730 days), delete 2-4 weeks at a time..

    sp_delete_backuphistory (#days to keep)

    so find out how many days back you have and take off 14-30 days at a time

    exec sp_delete_backuphistory 730

    exec sp_delete_backuphistory 700

    exec sp_delete_backuphistory 670


  • Just to add a potentially helpful tidbit.. your backup history tables are an awesome resource to go back and report on database size/growth. If you need to report on this information ever, and you don't also collect these statistics elsewhere you might want to consider exporting them somewhere that you could still access them if need be - before deleting them.

    If you totally don't need or care for the data and deleting just isn't working you can truncate the backup and restore history tables, perhaps the job history table too.


  • Make use of this sample code:

    Deleting records from 600 to 100 days old:-


    DECLARE @backup_date DATETIME

    DECLARE @countback int

    set @countback = 600

    while @countback >= 100


    print @countback

    set @backup_date=(select dateadd (dd, -@countback, getDate()))




    set @countback = @countback - 2


    The above code is deleting records that are 600 to 100 days old, deleting 2 days at a time.


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