Help with this stored proc

  • The error I get is: A Domain Error Occurred for the below stored procedure.

    When I researched it on the Internet, it said this is because the "ACOS" value is not in the -1 and 1 range.  So, my questions are:

    How can I return the "Acos" value that you see in Red?

    Since the value is obviously not in the -1 to 1 range, what can I do to fix this scenario?



    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_searchLocations

    @ACX numeric(9),

    @Radius numeric(9)


    Declare @SinLat  float(8)

    Declare @CosLat  float(8)

    Declare @PhoneLong float(8)

    select @SinLat = SinLat, @CosLat = CosLat, @PhoneLong = LonDeg from Phone where ACX = @ACX

    select l.* from Dealer l, Phone z where z.ACX = left(l.Phone,6) And

    12426.2 * Acos(@SinLat * SinLat + @CosLat * CosLat * cos(dbo.deg2rad(@PhoneLong - londeg))) / pi() <= @Radius

    order by


    Acos(@SinLat * SinLat + @CosLat * CosLat * cos(dbo.deg2rad(@PhoneLong - londeg)))



  • Discounting the fact that nothing was in Red so I may be missing something important, you ultimately are summing values that apparently aren't bounded within -1 to 1 (OK, that was obvious). Assuming that anything less that -1 should be treated as -1 and anything greater that 1 should be considered a 1 you can create a function that does that conversion.

    Pseudo code:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.MinusOneToOne(@TheFloat float)

    RETURNS float



           declare @myReturn float

            if @TheFloat < -1 set @myReturn = -1

            else if @TheFloat > 1 set @myReturn = 1

            else set @myReturn = @TheFloat

            return @myReturn


    And then call it like:

    Acos(dbo.MinusOneToOne(@SinLat * SinLat + @CosLat * CosLat * cos(dbo.deg2rad(@PhoneLong - londeg))))

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