Help with Joins

  • Here's a sample query I am writing:

    select a.department, a.mgr_id, a.emp1_id, a.emp2_id

    from dept_table a

    order by a.department

    The output from this query will look like:

    ACCT 123     456     789

    IT      246     468     680

    Here's my problem.  The name for each person (mgr, emp1, emp2) is stored in a table called, for example, employees.

    I would like to be able to get the name of each person in this query at one time.  I would like to see the output look like this:

    ACCT  123   Bob  456  Tom   789  Susan

    IT       246  Tim   468  Mary  680  Scott

    I don't know how I can make the join(s) work so that I can get all of the names for one record returned.

    Any ideas?




  • Use the same table with Alias for each field like employees mgr on , employees emp1 on so on..

    Prasad Bhogadi

  • D'oh!  I had a Homer moment!

    It makes sense.  I just got stuck in one train of thought and I couldn't see the answer right in front of my eyes.




  • select   a.department,a.mgr_id,b.mgr,a.emp1_id,c.emp1,a.emp2_id,d.emp2

    from     dept_table a

    join      employees b

    on       a.mgr_id = b.emp_id

    join      employees c

    on       a.emp1_id = c.emp_id

    join      employees d

    on       a.emp2_id = d.emp_id

    order    by a.department

    Just replace emp_id with whatever the column name is in employees that represents the employee ID. 

  • Exactly I too meant the same, Thanks for elaborating. I believe hawg already has the solution for it.



    Prasad Bhogadi

  • Yeah, thanks to both of you.  I immediately realized the answer with Prasad's response.  I just got myself pigeon-holed and missed figuring it out on my own.

    Thanks again.



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