Help with a query

  • Hello all-

    I am stuck with a query problem. I have two tables whose structure is described below.

    If the attributename in @fulltable matches the attributename in @subtable then compare the correponding value columns and return the rows whose values match. If the attributename does not match, return the row anyway.

    set nocount on

    declare @fulltable table

    (itemid int,

    attributename varchar(100),

    value int)

    declare @subtable table

    (attributename varchar(100),

    value int)

    insert into @fulltable values (1, 'a', 100)

    insert into @fulltable values (1, 'b', 200)

    insert into @fulltable values (1, 'c', 300)

    insert into @fulltable values (2, 'a', 400)

    insert into @fulltable values (2, 'b', 500)

    insert into @subtable values ('a', 100)

    insert into @subtable values ('b', 500)

    In the SQL above, my result should return

    1 'a' 100 -- Because the value matches

    1 'c' 300 -- Because the attributename is not present in @subtable

    2 'b' 500 -- Because the value matches

    -- 1 'b' 200 and 2, 'a', 400 should be eliminated as the attributenames in @fulltable match the attributenames in @subtable, but the values dont.

    I have tried something similar to:

    SELECT ft.*

    FROM @fulltable ft

    INNER JOIN @subtable sub

    ON ft.value = CASE WHEN ft.attributename = sub.attributename

    THEN sub.value

    ELSE ft.value


    As you can see, it does not return the desired result. Please let me know if you need any further explanation of what I am trying to achieve. Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Hi,

    My suggestion would be to rewrite and use union. But of course, the performance of the query below is not goint to impress anybody...

    SELECT ft.*

      FROM @fulltable ft

           INNER JOIN @subtable sub 

                   ON ft.attributename = sub.attributename

                  AND ft.value = sub.value


    SELECT ft.*

      FROM  @fulltable ft

     WHERE ft.attributename NOT IN (SELECT attributename FROM @subtable)



  • Olavho-

    I greatly appreciate your time.  There is a little bit more to the problem.  Let me explain.

    ValueColumnName in the @subtable gives the name of the column in the @fulltable with which the value in the @subtable should be compared.  I have tried many different ways but still cannot get the solution to this problem.  I greatly appreciate if you could help me with this query.

    set nocount on

    declare @fulltable table

    (itemid int,

    attributename varchar(100),

    valueInt int,

    valueString varchar(256),

    valueFloat float)

    declare @subtable table

    (attributename varchar(100),

    value varchar(256),

    ValueColumnName varchar(100))

    insert into @fulltable values (1, 'a', NULL, 'String1', NULL)

    insert into @fulltable values (1, 'b', 200, NULL, NULL)

    insert into @fulltable values (1, 'c', NULL, NULL, 1.31)

    insert into @fulltable values (2, 'a', NULL, 'String2', NULL)

    insert into @fulltable values (2, 'b', 500, NULL, NULL)

    insert into @subtable values ('a', 'String1', 'ValueString')

    insert into @subtable values ('b', 500, 'ValueInt')

    The ouput I am expecting is still similar as before.

    1   'a'   NULL   'String1'   NULL -- Because the value matches

    1   'c'   NULL   NULL       1.31 -- Because the attributename is not present in @subtable

    2   'b'   500     NULL       NULL -- Because the value matches


  • Sorry about my misunderstanding. Kind of tricky problem, and I'm afraid I can't give you a good solution.

    My best attempt (it seems to work for your example, but is probably not as dynamic as you would like):

    SELECT ft.*

      FROM @fulltable ft

           INNER JOIN @subtable sub ON ft.attributename = sub.attributename

             AND sub.value = CASE WHEN sub.ValueColumnName = 'ValueInt'    

                                       THEN convert(varchar(256), ft.ValueInt)

                                  WHEN sub.ValueColumnName = 'ValueString'

                                       THEN convert(varchar(256), ft.ValueString)

                                  WHEN sub.ValueColumnName = 'ValueFloat'

                                       THEN convert(varchar(256), ft.ValueFloat)



    SELECT ft.*

      FROM @fulltable ft

     WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM @subtable sub WHERE ft.attributename = sub.attributename)

    ORDER BY ft.itemid



  • Try this. You may need to deal with cleanup issues with the float column if the data is predictable.





     CASE WHEN (s.attributename IS NULL) OR (s.ValueColumnName <> 'ValueInt') THEN f.valueInt

      ELSE CONVERT(INT, s.value) END AS valueInt,

     CASE WHEN (s.attributename IS NULL) OR (s.ValueColumnName <> 'ValueString') THEN f.valueString

      ELSE s.value END AS valueString,

     CASE WHEN (s.attributename IS NULL) OR (s.ValueColumnName <> 'ValueFloat') THEN f.valueFloat

      ELSE CONVERT(FLOAT, s.value) END AS valueFloat

    FROM @fulltable f

     LEFT JOIN @subtable s ON s.attributename = f.attributename

    WHERE (s.attributename IS NULL)

     OR ((f.attributename = s.attributename)

     AND ( CONVERT(VARCHAR, s.value) = (CASE WHEN s.ValueColumnName = 'ValueString' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR, f.valueString)

       WHEN s.ValueColumnName = 'ValueInt' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR, f.valueInt)

       WHEN s.ValueColumnName = 'ValueFloat' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR, f.valueFloat)



    itemid        attributename    ValueInt     ValueString   ValueFloat

    ----------- --------------- ----------- ------------ -------------------

    1              a                     NULL          String1         NULL

    1              c                     NULL          NULL            1.3100000000000001

    2              b                     500            NULL            NULL

  • Simplify:

    select a.itemid, a.attributename, a.value

      from @fulltable a

           LEFT OUTER JOIN @subtable b ON a.attributename = b.attributename

     where b.attributename is null

        OR a.value = b.value

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