Help with a query

  • A little. What you provided is way above my knowledge base. I can mostly write the type of queries I need to pull data from a meet that I need, except this one. I have been stuck on this for the past year.

  • coachmkavanaugh (7/5/2015)

    Holy cow, thank you so much! This is very close!!!

    There seems to be some duplicates returned from the query, sometime 2 times, other times 3, some 4 times.

    Times with B return one row, BB seems to return an extra row, A returns 3 rows, AA returns 4 rows, id imagine AAA may return 5?

    I just realized where the problem is. I'm joining back to the source and not using any details, and given that I'm looking to take only ONE of the source records for a given meet, event, and individual, I'm ending up just regurgitating any repeat achievements in the same event. DUH !!!

    Try this:


    SELECT b.last_Name

    , b.first_name

    ,FLOOR(DATEDIFF(day, b.birthdate, getDate()) / 365.25) as 'Age'

    , c.event_descr as 'Event'

    , d.meet_descr as 'Meet'

    , f.motivational_description

    , e.time_standard

    , e.min_age

    , e.max_age

    , a.end_time as 'Finished Time'

    , convert(decimal(10,2), a.end_time_cvt)- convert(decimal(10,2), e.time_standard_cvt) as 'Cut Difference'

    , CASE f.motivational_description



    WHEN 'AA' THEN 3

    WHEN 'A' THEN 4

    WHEN 'BB' THEN 5

    WHEN 'B' THEN 6


    FROM swimming_registration AS a

    INNER JOIN Swimmer AS b

    ON a.fkey_swimmer = b.key_swimmer

    INNER JOIN Swimming_events AS c

    ON a.fkey_event = c.key_event

    INNER JOIN Swim_meets AS d

    ON a.fkey_swim_Meet = d.key_meet

    INNER JOIN Motivational_Time_Standards AS e

    ON a.fkey_event = e.fkey_event

    AND c.key_event = e.fkey_event

    AND a.fkey_course = e.fkey_course

    AND b.gender = e.gender

    AND FLOOR(DATEDIFF(day, b.birthdate, getDate()) / 365.25) >= e.min_age

    AND FLOOR(DATEDIFF(day, b.birthdate, getDate()) / 365.25) <= e.max_age

    AND convert(decimal(10,2), a.end_time_cvt)- convert(decimal(10,2), e.time_standard_cvt) <= 0

    INNER JOIN Motivational_type AS f

    ON e.fkey_motivational_type = f.key_motivational_type

    WHERE a.fkey_dq = 83

    AND fkey_swim_Meet IN (90)

    AND a.end_time_cvt NOT IN ('DQ','NS', 'NT')






    SELECT R.*, S.motivational_description, S.time_standard, S.min_age, S.max_age, S.[Finished Time], S.[Cut Difference]



    ON R.last_Name = S.last_Name

    AND R.first_name = S.first_name

    AND R.Age = S.Age

    AND R.[Event] = S.[Event]

    AND R.Meet = S.Meet

    AND R.[Finished Time] = S.[Finished Time]

    AND R.[Cut Difference] = S.[Cut Difference]

    WHERE R.RN = 1

    ORDER BY R.Meet, R.[Event], R.Age, R.last_Name, R.first_name

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • coachmkavanaugh (7/7/2015)

    Thank you, this returns the one row for a test case! Is there a way to apply this so it would return the highest level row for a meet for an event that a swimmer does. A swimmer can do multiple events for the meet. For example:

    John Doe, male age 14, can swim 100 Backstroke and 50 freestyle. I'd like the highest level motivational time returned by event for the meet. I'd be happy to send you the data from the tables.

    I believe you have filtered for one swimmer with id = 83 right? remove the filter in your where clause where it limits to only one swimmer.

    Good Luck 🙂 .. Visit for more t-sql code snippets and BI related how to articles.

  • Oh my, it works!!!!!

    I cannot thank you enough!!!! You have saved me a many man hours trying to filter and cut down a big list!!!!!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  • coachmkavanaugh (7/8/2015)

    Oh my, it works!!!!!

    I cannot thank you enough!!!! You have saved me a many man hours trying to filter and cut down a big list!!!!!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Glad to hear that coach. Mark the answer that helped you. Other people with similar problem can find a solution. Good Luck 🙂

    Good Luck 🙂 .. Visit for more t-sql code snippets and BI related how to articles.

  • Thank you again, I really appreciate your willingness to help me out!

  • Steve, Is there an easy way to show the differences of the motivational type if I wanted to compare two or more meets together? The only thing that would change in your query would be the fkey_meet. I would want to see what the "new" motivational time that would be achieved. Thoughts?

  • coachmkavanaugh (7/8/2015)

    Steve, Is there an easy way to show the differences of the motivational type if I wanted to compare two or more meets together? The only thing that would change in your query would be the fkey_meet. I would want to see what the "new" motivational time that would be achieved. Thoughts?

    The important words there are "an easy way". What's your definition of "easy" ? Now that you have a query that generates this data for one meet, you could certainly take the results and put them in a temp table, then generate the data for some other meet, and put those into a 2nd temp table, and then you'd have the basis for a different query that would compare those two temp tables in some meaningful way. However, what kind of comparison you do mght change how you generate the initial results. What, exactly, did you have in mind ?

    As an example, a FULL OUTER JOIN between the two temp tables I referred to above might help illustrate your results, but exactly how you construct it would be heavily dependent on the objective, and you'd need to be sure there was a column in each of those temp tables that contains data that uniquely identifies the meet for each result, if it's not already part of the existing query.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • How do you write to a temp table? I was thinking of having a column with the old meet for the first query and then another for the new meet. This column probably would serve as the unique identifier.

  • (Pretending to be Steve, but not as smart)...

    You write to a temp table the same way you write to any other table.

    INSERT INTO #tempTable(col1,col2,col3)

    VALUES ('col1value','col2value','col3value');


    INSERT INTO #tempTable(col1,col2,col3)

    SELECT colA, colB, colC

    FROM <table><join><othertable...>


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