Help Needed in Relational Logic

  • Hi,

    Sample data to play with

    use Temp


    declare @master table(ID int, EmplopyeeID int);

    declare @Releation table (IdRelation int idenity(1,1) primary key, ParentID int,ChildID int)

    declare @Logic table(ID int,name varchar(20),company varchar(20),Salary money,ValidUser bit);

    insert into @master(ID)

    select 1,100 union all

    select 2 ,200 union all

    select 3 ,300 union all

    select 4 ,400;

    insert into @Releation(ParentID,ChildID)

    select 1,2 union all

    select 3,4

    insert into @Logic(ID,name,company,Salary,ValidUser)

    select 1,'James','Microsoft',1000,1 union all

    select 3,'JamesTrend','Xerox',2000,1;

    With ExpectedResult as (ID,EmployeeID,company,Salary,ValidUser,Relation) as


    select 1,100,'James','Microsoft',1000,1,'Parent' union all

    select 2,200,'James','Microsoft',1000,1,'Child' union all

    select 3,300,'JamesTrend','Xerox',2000,1,'Parent' union all

    select 4,400,'JamesTrend','Xerox',2000,1,'Child' union all


    select * from ExpectedResult

    Basically i need to get the ID from @logic table and map it with relation table,Master table and get EmployeeId,Relation. Also i need parent and child have

    same company,Salary,ValidUser values.

    I am not sure how to achieved this. I tried in different ways. I don't want to use cursor/loop.

    Can anyone please help me on this tough logic with sample script.

  • born2achieve (5/7/2015)


    Sample data to play with

    use Temp


    declare @master table(ID int, EmplopyeeID int);

    declare @Releation table (IdRelation int idenity(1,1) primary key, ParentID int,ChildID int)

    declare @Logic table(ID int,name varchar(20),company varchar(20),Salary money,ValidUser bit);

    insert into @master(ID)

    select 1,100 union all

    select 2 ,200 union all

    select 3 ,300 union all

    select 4 ,400;

    insert into @Releation(ParentID,ChildID)

    select 1,2 union all

    select 3,4

    insert into @Logic(ID,name,company,Salary,ValidUser)

    select 1,'James','Microsoft',1000,1 union all

    select 3,'JamesTrend','Xerox',2000,1;

    With ExpectedResult as (ID,EmployeeID,company,Salary,ValidUser,Relation) as


    select 1,100,'James','Microsoft',1000,1,'Parent' union all

    select 2,200,'James','Microsoft',1000,1,'Child' union all

    select 3,300,'JamesTrend','Xerox',2000,1,'Parent' union all

    select 4,400,'JamesTrend','Xerox',2000,1,'Child' union all


    select * from ExpectedResult

    Basically i need to get the ID from @logic table and map it with relation table,Master table and get EmployeeId,Relation. Also i need parent and child have

    same company,Salary,ValidUser values.

    I am not sure how to achieved this. I tried in different ways. I don't want to use cursor/loop.

    Can anyone please help me on this tough logic with sample script.

    It's not tough logic. You'd have gotten it if you started to whittle at it.

    SELECT m.ID, m.EmplopyeeID,,, l.Salary, l.ValidUser,

    Relation = CASE WHEN m.ID = r.ParentID THEN 'Parent' ELSE 'Child' END

    FROM @Logic l

    JOIN @Releation r on r.ParentID = l.ID

    JOIN @master m on (m.ID = r.ParentID OR m.ID = r.ChildID)

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • thank you jeff for your time on this. below is my version. But your version is much more cleaner and straight forward.

    ;WITH Rel AS


    SELECT ParentId, name,company,Salary,ValidUser, ChildID

    FROM @Releation R

    JOIN @Logic L ON R.ParentID = L.ID


    SELECT R.ChildId,,,Rel.Salary,Rel.ValidUser, R.ParentID

    FROM @Releation R

    JOIN Rel ON Rel.parentId = R.ParentId


    SELECT M.ID,M.EmplopyeeID,



    (SELECT CASE WHEN ParentID = M.ID THEN 'Parent'

    WHEN ChildID = M.ID THEN 'Child' END

    FROM @Releation WHERE (M.ID = ChildID OR M.ID = ParentID)) AS 'Relation'

    FROM @master M

    INNER JOIN Rel ON rel.ParentID = M.ID


  • Select M.*,L.Name,L.Company,L.Salary,L.ValidUser, Case when M.ID = R.ParentId then 'Parent' else 'Child' end as Relation

    from @Logic L Join @Releation R On L.Id =R.ParentId

    Join @master M On M.ID in (R.ChildId,R.ParentID)

  • thankns Ralls

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