Group By /Compute

  • Look at this please

    select Total#=count(*) , remsae1 as remsae1_5, sub_remsae1 as sub_remsae1_5,vremsae1 as vremsae1_5

    from demographics

    where len(remsae1) = 1

    group by remsae1,sub_remsae1,vremsae1

    union all

    select count(*) as Total#, remsae2,sub_remsae2,vremsae2

    from demographics

    where len(remsae2) = 1

    group by remsae2,sub_remsae2,vremsae2

    union all

    select count(*) as Total#, remsae3,sub_remsae3,vremsae3

    from demographics

    where len(remsae3) = 1

    group by remsae3,sub_remsae3,vremsae3

    union all

    select count(*) as Total#, remsae4,sub_remsae4,vremsae4

    from demographics

    where len(remsae4) = 1

    group by remsae4,sub_remsae4,vremsae4

    union all

    select count(*) as Total#, remsae5,sub_remsae5,vremsae5

    from demographics

    where len(remsae5) = 1

    group by remsae5,sub_remsae5,vremsae5

    order by remsae1_5,sub_remsae1_5

    remsae1,2,3,4,5 can be C, H, D or S , sub_rem* and vrem* are both integers

    this gives me something like this

    10 C 5 99

    2 C 5 99

    10 could be from remsae1 and 2 might be from remsae2

    But i realy would like to have something like

    12 C 5 99

    I am not sure how would i combine totals together from different columns?

    Also at the end i would like to see the sum of Total# column?

    I appreciate any help and advice.


  • If you are trying to add in when the remsae, sub_remsae and vremsae are the same for a total then this will work for you. Hope this helps.

    SELECT SUM([Total#]) AS TOTAL#, remsae1_5, sub_remsae1_5, vremsae1_5 FROM


    select Total#=count(*) , remsae1 as remsae1_5, sub_remsae1 as sub_remsae1_5,vremsae1 as vremsae1_5

    from demographics

    where len(remsae1) = 1

    group by remsae1,sub_remsae1,vremsae1

    union all

    select count(*) as Total#, remsae2,sub_remsae2,vremsae2

    from demographics

    where len(remsae2) = 1

    group by remsae2,sub_remsae2,vremsae2

    union all

    select count(*) as Total#, remsae3,sub_remsae3,vremsae3

    from demographics

    where len(remsae3) = 1

    group by remsae3,sub_remsae3,vremsae3

    union all

    select count(*) as Total#, remsae4,sub_remsae4,vremsae4

    from demographics

    where len(remsae4) = 1

    group by remsae4,sub_remsae4,vremsae4

    union all

    select count(*) as Total#, remsae5,sub_remsae5,vremsae5

    from demographics

    where len(remsae5) = 1

    group by remsae5,sub_remsae5,vremsae5

    ) AS tblBaseResults

    GROUP BY remsae1_5, sub_remsae1_5, vremsae1_5

    ORDER BY remsae1_5,sub_remsae1_5

  • Thanks for your help.

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