Generate SQl Script

  • Thanx for all your help. I will try it but was actually also looking for SQL code like the previous examples.


  • You can also use scptxfr.exe to script. This can be found in the upgrade directory. If you want to do it via t-sql then execute this via xp_cmdshell.

    c:\mssql\upgrade\scptxfr.exe /s <your server> /d pubs /q /I /F c:\temp\db.sql

    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • You can investigate what EM does when scripting objects by starting a trace and scripting the objects at the same time. You will see what SPs are being used and then you can build your pure SQL server solution.

    Stanislav Petkov

  • Also used scptxfr.exe and script to yyyymmdd_hhmm file for historical purposes with a small team. With a bigger team used VB/SQLDMO which updated SourceSafe a file. Handy to compare, between release, what was changed in the database.

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