Fully Qualifying Server

  • So I am trying to execute a stored procedure on another server from another server but can not get the format correctly, I am putting it into a variable @server and tryin g to format it like this, but i keep getting error Database 'DataServer70801' does not exist. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.

    USE DataServer70801\workflow,1113

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_name = @job_name, @enabled = 1

  • The USE statement is for specifying database to use on the connected server, not for specifying a server.

    You need to define & use a linked server (the definition would include the instance name & port if non-default). You can execute stored procedure on linked server using four-part naming -- e.g.,

    EXEC DataServer70801.msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_name = @job_name, @enabled = 1
  • So is this possible

    set @execSrvQuery = (

    select top(1) Replace(d.SQLServerName+'\'+ s.SQLInstanceName+','+Convert(varchar(10),TCPPortNum),',0',',1113') as SQLInstanceName

    FROM Catalog.eAudit.DatabaseServerSQLInstance s

    inner join [Catalog].[eAudit].[DatabaseServer] d on d.DatabaseServerID=s.DatabaseServerID

    where s.SQLInstanceName like '%KCW%' )--and s.SQLInstanceName not like '%SSAS%'


    Select @@ServerName)

    EXEC [@execSrvQuery].[msdb].dbo.sp_update_job @job_name = @job_name, @enabled = 0



  • Are you looking at running this from an agent job or within a stored procedure?  If so - then you need a linked server and you can either use 4-part naming or EXECUTE AT statement.  There are several examples of how to do that at: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/language-elements/execute-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver16

    And no - you can't construct a query using a 'variable' as part of the object name.

    From the above reference:

    -- Setup the linked server.  
    EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'SeattleSales', 'SQL Server'
    -- Execute the SELECT statement.
    EXECUTE ('SELECT ProductID, Name
    FROM AdventureWorks2012.Production.Product
    WHERE ProductID = ? ', 952) AT SeattleSales;

    In the above - you can define the 'query' and parameters using variables, but you cannot specify the linked server using a variable.  So - you will need dynamic SQL to construct the statement to be executed.

    With that said - if you are looping through a list of instances where you are going to run some defined code against each instance, then I would recommend creating a temporary linked server.  Something like this:

    --==== Create cursor to loop over list of instances
    Declare instanceList Cursor Local Fast_Forward
    Select ...
    From your_instance_table;

    --==== Open/Fetch
    Open instanceList
    Fetch Next From instanceList Into ...;

    While @@fetch_status = 0

    Execute sp_addlinkedserver 'Temp', ... --add all parameters needed for the linked server for this instance
    Execute ('your query', parm1, parm2, ...) At temp;
    Execute sp_droplinkedserver 'Temp';

    --==== Fetch Next
    Fetch Next From instanceList Into ...;

    --==== Close/Deallocate
    Close instanceList;
    Deallocate instanceList;

    You may also need to add a BEGIN TRY/CATCH to catch instances where you can't create the linked server (or other errors) so you can ignore those or put in some retry logic or additional checking/notifications.  Not sure if it will be captured in a try/catch - might need additional error checking...

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  • One other note - if this was something I was developing I would not build this in T-SQL.  I would use Powershell to get the list of instances and use Invoke-SqlCmd to connect to each instance and run the query.

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

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  • I'd also suggest using OPENQUERY instead of just EXECUTE.  Or, like you said, EXECUTE AT.

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