For loop in sql server

  • WHOA!!!! I wanted to reduce font

    Eishhhhh, sorry everyone


    Delete Statement in more readable format:

    DELETE CSInquiry_Test.dbo.InquiryHeader WHERE Inquiry_Number in (

    Select Test_ESS.Inquiry_Number

    FROM T5_Reporting_FSUser.Test_ESS Test_ESS Left Join dbo.SiteInfoForm ON Test_ESS.ESS_Site_ID = dbo.SiteInfoForm.Cust_ID

    Where Test_ESS.ESS_LNDtTimestamp >= Dateadd(dd,-10,GetDate())


    Select statement in more readable format:


    Test_ESS.Inquiry_Number, Test_ESS.ESS_CreationDate, Test_ESS.Probability_Rating,Test_ESS.Originator_Name, dbo.SiteInfoForm.Cust_ID,

    NULLIF(Test_ESS.Quote_Type,' ') as Quote_Tpe,Test_ESS.ESS_Site_ID, Test_ESS.Proposal_NeedDate, Test_ESS.Estimated_BookDate,

    Test_ESS.Cust_ExWorksDeliveryDt, Test_ESS.Table_PkgNumber, Test_ESS.Previously_Quoted,dbo.SiteInfoForm.Cust_Loc_Type,

    dbo.SiteInfoForm.Cust_Elev_Value, dbo.SiteInfoForm.Cust_Elev_Unit, dbo.SiteInfoForm.Cust_Tem_Des, dbo.SiteInfoForm.Cust_Tem_Unit,

    dbo.SiteInfoForm.Cust_Tem_Min,dbo.SiteInfoForm.Cust_Tem_Max, dbo.SiteInfoForm.Cust_Comments,Test_ESS.Driver_Change,

    Test_ESS.Competion, Test_ESS.Sales_Approach, Test_ESS.Scope_Proposed_Modifications, Test_ESS.Special_Requirements,

    Test_ESS.Misc_Comments, Test_ESS.ControlSystem_Electr, Test_ESS.Pneumatic_System,Test_ESS.Fuel_System, Test_ESS.Start_System,

    Test_ESS.Engine_Assemblies,Test_ESS.Lube_System, Test_ESS.Vibration_System, Test_ESS.Seal_System,Test_ESS.Enclosure_System,

    Test_ESS.Driven_Equipment, Test_ESS.Gear_Drives,Test_ESS.Accessories, Test_ESS.Other, Test_ESS.Engine_UpRate, Test_ESS.ReStage,

    Test_ESS.Solonox, Test_ESS.Controls_Retrofit, Test_ESS.Systems_Upgrade,Test_ESS.Factory_Refurb, Test_ESS.Onsite_Refurb,

    Test_ESS.Total_Order_Value, Test_ESS.Comments, Test_ESS.ESS_History, Test_ESS.ESS_Country, Test_ESS.ESS_District,

    Test_ESS.ESS_Rev, Test_ESS.ESS_Status, Test_ESS.Proposal_Urgency,Test_ESS.Related_Inquiries,Test_ESS.Scope,

    SUBSTRING(Test_ESS.Originator_Name,1,CHARINDEX(' ', Test_ESS.Originator_Name)-1)) FirstName

    SUBSTRING(Test_ESS.Originator_Name,CHARINDEX(' ', Test_ESS.Originator_Name)+1,len(Test_ESS.Originator_Name)) LastName

    LEN(Test_ESS.Table_PkgNumber)-LEN(REPLACE(Test_ESS.Table_PkgNumber,',',''))+1 as UnitCount

    FROM T5_Reporting_FSUser.Test_ESS Test_ESS Left Join dbo.SiteInfoForm ON Test_ESS.ESS_Site_ID = dbo.SiteInfoForm.Cust_ID

    Where Test_ESS.ESS_LNDtTimestamp >= Dateadd(dd,-10,GetDate())

    Humblest apologies, me thought font size 7 would reduce things, not increase them...


  • Now....

    For the SSIS bit.

    1) Create connectionmanager to your data

    2) Create a preparation SQL task which basically deletes the data, as per the delete statement

    3) Create a dataflow. OLEDB source to OLEDB destination. Use the select statement as your OLEDB source. Use Inquiryheader as your destination.

    4) Map source to destination



  • pduplessis (6/25/2008)


    For the SSIS bit.

    1) Create connectionmanager to your data

    2) Create a preparation SQL task which basically deletes the data, as per the delete statement

    3) Create a dataflow. OLEDB source to OLEDB destination. Use the select statement as your OLEDB source. Use Inquiryheader as your destination.

    4) Map source to destination



    Nah... too much work... 😛

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • venki (6/25/2008)


    Your suggestions are always welcome. No body responded for this one yesterday that's why I deleted it.

    I have kept it for halfen hour and taken back. Now I am keeping again and will not delete it.

    In the execute SQL task nothing is there. I have given only

    EXEC sp_TransferIH

    You don't need any of that DTS or SSIS stuff... it's just gonna slow things down. Here's you monster RBAR query converted to set based. The SELECT includes the "Rosetta Stone" that identifies the column mappings.

    Stored Procedure for Transfering Inqyiry Header table


    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here


    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    --===== Gather and preprocess all of the information that the cursor used to do

    SELECT ess.Inquiry_Number AS Inquirey_Number,

    ess.ESS_CreationDate AS Date,

    ess.Probability_Rating AS Probability,

    SUBSTRING(ess.Originator_Name,1,CHARINDEX(' ', ess.Originator_Name)-1) AS From_F,

    SUBSTRING(ess.Originator_Name,CHARINDEX(' ', ess.Originator_Name)+1,LEN(ess.Originator_Name)) AS From_L,

    sif.Cust_ID AS Customer,

    NULLIF(ess.Quote_Type,' ') AS Budgetary_Firm,

    ess.ESS_Site_ID AS Site_Location,

    ess.Proposal_NeedDate AS Need_Prop_Date,

    ess.Estimated_BookDate AS Booking_Date,

    ess.Cust_ExWorksDeliveryDt AS Prop_Deliv_Date,

    ess.Previously_Quoted AS Prev_Quoted,

    CAST(NULL AS INT) AS Old_Inquiry,

    LEN(ess.Table_PkgNumber)-LEN(REPLACE(ess.Table_PkgNumber,',','')) AS Number_Units,

    sif.Cust_Loc_Type AS [Application],

    sif.Cust_Elev_Value AS Elevation,

    sif.Cust_Elev_Unit AS Elevation_Units,

    sif.Cust_Tem_Des AS Amb_Temperature,

    sif.Cust_Tem_Unit AS TempUnits,

    sif.Cust_Tem_Min AS Min_Temp,

    sif.Cust_Tem_Max AS Max_Temp,

    CAST(NULL TINYINT) AS Relative_Humidity,

    sif.Cust_Comments AS Site_Notes,

    ess.Driver_Change AS Initiated_By,

    ess.Competion AS Competition,

    ess.Sales_Approach AS Sales_Approach,

    ess.Scope_Proposed_Modifications AS Proposed_Mods,

    CAST(NULL AS VARCHAR) AS Preferred_Options,

    ess.Special_Requirements AS Special_Requirements,

    CAST(NULL AS VARCHAR) AS Expectations,

    ess.Misc_Comments AS Notes,

    ess.ControlSystem_Electr AS PS_Control,

    ess.Pneumatic_System AS PS_Pneumatic,

    ess.Fuel_System AS PS_Fuel,ess.Start_System AS PS_Start,

    ess.Engine_Assemblies AS PS_EngineAssemblies,

    ess.Lube_System AS PS_Lube,

    ess.Vibration_System AS PS_Vibration,

    ess.Seal_System AS PS_Seal,

    ess.Enclosure_System AS PS_Enclosure,

    ess.Driven_Equipment AS PS_Driven,

    ess.Gear_Drives AS PS_GearDrives,

    ess.Accessories AS PS_Accessories,

    ess.Other AS PS_Other,

    ess.Engine_UpRate AS Engine_Uprate,

    ess.ReStage AS Restage,

    ess.Solonox AS Solonox,

    ess.Controls_Retrofit AS Controls_Retrofit,

    ess.Systems_Upgrade AS System_Upgrade,

    ess.Factory_Refurb AS Refurbishment,

    ess.Onsite_Refurb AS OnSiteRefurb,

    'FALSE' AS fFastTrack,

    'FALSE' AS bPostBookedFTSolution,

    ess.Total_Order_Value AS Total_Order_Value,

    ess.Comments AS Comments,

    ess.ESS_History AS ESS_History,

    ess.ESS_Country AS ESS_Country,

    ess.ESS_District AS ESS_District,

    ess.ESS_Rev AS ESS_Rev,

    ess.ESS_Status AS ESS_Status,

    ess.Proposal_Urgency AS Proposal_Urgency,

    ess.Related_Inquiries AS Related_Inquiries,

    ess.Scope AS Scope

    INTO #MyHead

    FROM T5_Reporting_FSUser.Test_ESS ess

    LEFT JOIN dbo.SiteInfoForm sif ON ess.ESS_Site_ID = sif.Cust_ID

    WHERE ess.ESS_LNDtTimestamp >= Dateadd(dd,-10,GetDate())

    --===== Delete any rows that match the new information

    DELETE CSInquiry_Test.dbo.InquiryHeader

    FROM CSInquiry_Test.dbo.InquiryHeader ih

    INNER JOIN #MyHead t

    ON ih.Inquiry_Number = t.Inquiry_Number

    --===== Add all the new information. Some will replace the deleted rows,

    -- some will be new rows

    INSERT INTO CSInquiry_Test.dbo.Inquiryheader(

    Inquiry_Number, Date, Probability, From_F, From_L,

    Customer, Budgetary_Firm, Site_Location, Need_Prop_Date, Booking_Date,

    Prop_Deliv_Date, Prev_Quoted, Old_Inquiry, Number_Units, [Application], Elevation,

    Elevation_Units, Amb_Temperature, Temp_Units, Min_Temp, Max_Temp, Relative_Humidity,

    Site_Notes, Initiated_By, Competition, Sales_Approach, Proposed_Mods, Preferred_Options,

    Special_Requirements, Expectations, Notes, PS_Control, PS_Pneumatic, PS_Fuel,

    PS_Start, PS_EngineAssemblies, PS_Lube, PS_Vibration, PS_Seal, PS_Enclosure,

    PS_Driven, PS_GearDrives, PS_Accessories, PS_Other, Engine_Uprate, Restage,

    Solonox, Controls_Retrofit, System_Upgrade, Refurbishment, OnSiteRefurb,

    fFastTrack, bPostBookedFTSolution, Total_Order_Value, Comments, ESS_History,

    ESS_Country, ESS_District, ESS_Rev, ESS_Status, Proposal_Urgency,

    Related_Inquiries, Scope)

    SELECT Inquiry_Number, Date, Probability, From_F, From_L,

    Customer, Budgetary_Firm, Site_Location, Need_Prop_Date, Booking_Date,

    Prop_Deliv_Date, Prev_Quoted, Old_Inquiry, Number_Units, [Application], Elevation,

    Elevation_Units, Amb_Temperature, Temp_Units, Min_Temp, Max_Temp, Relative_Humidity,

    Site_Notes, Initiated_By, Competition, Sales_Approach, Proposed_Mods, Preferred_Options,

    Special_Requirements, Expectations, Notes, PS_Control, PS_Pneumatic, PS_Fuel,

    PS_Start, PS_EngineAssemblies, PS_Lube, PS_Vibration, PS_Seal, PS_Enclosure,

    PS_Driven, PS_GearDrives, PS_Accessories, PS_Other, Engine_Uprate, Restage,

    Solonox, Controls_Retrofit, System_Upgrade, Refurbishment, OnSiteRefurb,

    fFastTrack, bPostBookedFTSolution, Total_Order_Value, Comments, ESS_History,

    ESS_Country, ESS_District, ESS_Rev, ESS_Status, Proposal_Urgency,

    Related_Inquiries, Scope

    FROM #MyHead

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • 😀

    Awesome Jeff...

    As for the SSIS bit, in this case I would have stayed away, no need, but Venki specifically asked how to do this in SSIS (call a SP from his package), which I am trying to get him to avoid. I get the feeling he actually writes the data to test_ESS with SSIS.



  • pduplessis (6/26/2008)

    :DAwesome Jeff...


    but Venki specifically asked how to do this in SSIS (call a SP from his package), which I am trying to get him to avoid.

    Ummmm.... Nope... YOU were the first one to bring up SSIS... Venki asked this to be done in a stored procedure and ended up using a cursor in a stored procedure.

    Here's Venki's original request... yes, I know this is an SSIS forum... but that's not what was asked... 🙂

    Do we have for loop or for each statement in SQL Server?

    I tried to use the for loop in my stored procedure but I haven't found it's working and it is throwing error.

    Thanks a lot,


    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Thanks a lot to all of you who helped me successful this task.

    Especially Jef and Pduplessis, I would like to tell you many more thanks.

    It's awesome and fantastic learning experience for me as a starter.

    My requirement is to design a SSIS package. I thought that it's better to create stored procedure and execute that stored procedure in a executeSQL task.

    Both of you have given a good solutions.

    Don't leave me, I have another requirement came up for same kind but bit different. I will think in your way and I will try today. If it comes to me I will do it. If not I will get back to you for your valuable suggestions.

    Thank You

  • pduplessis (6/25/2008)


    For the SSIS bit.

    1) Create connectionmanager to your data

    2) Create a preparation SQL task which basically deletes the data, as per the delete statement

    3) Create a dataflow. OLEDB source to OLEDB destination. Use the select statement as your OLEDB source. Use Inquiryheader as your destination.

    4) Map source to destination




    Actually I don't requiere this because Jaff has given execellent solution for this. I think Jeff's one is faster. But I need to clarify myself for this small things.

    But I have done yesterday what you have told and Every thing is fine. Pakcage is executing and populating the data in the Destination table but the package is showing warning messages while executing.

    [OLE DB Destination [208]] Warning: Truncation may occur due to inserting data from data flow column "Copy of Inquiry_Number" with a length of 200 to database column "Inquiry_Number" with a length of 50.

    I know the size of the columns in destination table are lesser than the ones in Source tables.

    Is there any way to not to come these warnings or rectify this?

    Thank You

  • LEFT(columnname,50)

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • venki (6/26/2008)

    Especially Jef and Pduplessis,

    Heh... I think it's a bit funny that you can spell "Pduplessis" correctly, but not "Jeff"... 😛

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • 😀 One out of 2 correctly spelt names is a start...

    Thanks Jeff,

    Sorry, getting a bit absent minded here. You are right, I did suggest SSIS, my bad (3 letters - A G E...)

    Going to go offline from SSC for about a month or so, my source has FINALLY (sigh) delivered their first full batch of test files. Now playtime is over...

    Venki, good luck to you dudie


  • Jeff -- I am continually amazed at the effort you put in to help us all out. Thanks very much!!

  • Thank you for the awesome compliment, Jim! Folks like you sure help keep me going...

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Jeff,

    sorry man, pduplessis is helping me from starting since two months. That's why I remembered him. Now you are the second one.

    Thanks a lot for your help as I am successed to design DTS packages.


    Thanks a lot and I wish you the same.

    Thank You

  • venki (6/26/2008)

    Don't leave me, I have another requirement came up for same kind but bit different. I will think in your way and I will try today. If it comes to me I will do it. If not I will get back to you for your valuable suggestions.

    pduplessis and Jeff,

    Hip Hip Hurry! :hehe::hehe:

    I completed another SSIS package successfully by thinking in your way.

    Thanks to both you for your help

    Thank You

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