Finding the Greatest

  • I've been working on this for some time now and just can't seem to get what I want.  I have a table with two key fields and some null data in another.

    Here is what I'm looking for:  Return only one record for each ID.  That record should be the greatest EndYear.  If none of the EndYears have a year then the null EndYear record will be used.  Here is my table.

    ID      School      EndYear

    1         101           2005

    1         102           2006

    1         103          

    2         102          

    3         103           2005

    4         107           2005

    4         101           2007

    This is what I'd like to see:

    ID      School      EndYear

    1         102           2006

    2         102           

    3         103           2005           

    4         101           2007

    Any ideas?



  • You could try this replacing YourTableName in both places with your table name.

    SELECT OuterQuery.Id

     , OuterQuery.School

     , ISNULL( OuterQuery.EndYear, '' )

     FROM YourTableName OuterQuery


       ( SELECT Id, MAX( ISNULL( EndYear, '' )  )

        FROM YourTableName

        GROUP BY Id

        ) InnerQuery

       ON OuterQuery.Id = InnerQuery.Id

       AND OuterQuery.EndYear = InnerQuery.EndYear

    Hope it helps!

  • Thanks Julie.  I did change it a little:



     , OuterQuery.School

     , ISNULL( OuterQuery.EndYear, '' )



       ( SELECT ID, MAX( ISNULL( EndYear, '' )) as EndYear


        GROUP BY ID

        ) InnerQuery

       ON OuterQuery.ID = InnerQuery.ID

       AND OuterQuery.EndYear = InnerQuery.EndYear

    It's close, but not returning everything yet.  There are some IDs in there that have no EndYear (null) associated with them at all.  So I need to pull in those as well, but only if they have no schools with a EndYear.

    Thanks again,


  • Whoops, my bad...  That's what I get for not testing out my solutions beforehand.



     , OuterQuery.School

     , ISNULL( OuterQuery.EndYear, '' )



       ( SELECT ID, MAX( ISNULL( EndYear, '' )) as EndYear


        GROUP BY ID

        ) InnerQuery

       ON OuterQuery.ID = InnerQuery.ID

       AND ISNULL(OuterQuery.EndYear, '') = InnerQuery.EndYear

    I think this will solve your problem.  I actually tested it this time and it returns all rows that have NULLs in EndYear assuming all EndYears are NULL for that particular ID.  So unless I made an incorrect assumption, I think you're all set. 

  • Perfect.  That works great.  Thank you very much with your help on this query.


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