Finding more than 1 record in query

  • I have a query that I've written to find me all the properties on contract and then I want to find all the service's in the last year for this property, but I only want to bring the latest service in the last year.

    This below is my SQL

    How can I only bring back 1 completed service on each property?


    C.[name_short] AS [Area],

    (SELECT COUNT(PROP.[prop_seql]) FROM dbo.contracts CON

    INNER JOIN PROP ON CON.[id] = PROP.[contract_id]

    WHERE PROP.[status] = 1 AND CON.[name_short] = C.[name_short]

    GROUP BY CON.[name_short]) AS [PropertyCount],

    SUM(CASE WHEN ASV.[completion_date] IS NOT NULL


    1 ELSE 0

    END) AS [ValidCP12]

    FROM P

    INNER JOIN dbo.servicing_jobs ASV ON P.[prop_seql] = ASV.[prop_seql]

    INNER JOIN dbo.contracts C ON P.[contract_id] = C.[id]

    WHERE C.[name_short] NOT LIKE 'Test'+'%'

    AND P.[status] = 1

    GROUP BY C.[name], C.[name_short], C.[id]

    ORDER BY C.[name_short], C.[id]

  • It would help if you could provide the DDL (CREATE TABLE statements) for the tables, sample data (INSERT INTO <tablename> SELECT <values> UNION ALL ... ), expected results based on the sample data.

    If you provide this info you will get much better assistance as well as tested code in return.

    For assistance in this, please read the first article I reference in my signature block below regarding "Asking for help".

  • Lynn is right, with the DDL of the tables, sample data, and the expected output, people will jump in to try to answer you. It does not sound like a real tough problem, so you will most probably get a quick answer.



  • Attached is a copy of the tables, I will get some sample data shortly

  • Find attached sample data using this query

    If you look at the prop_seql 60571 as an example you will see the dates of

    2009-09-15 14:34:00 and 2008-11-18 14:23:00

    In my original SQL I'm looking to return only the latest date so in this case I would only want to see 2009-09-15 14:34:00

    SELECT DISTINCT P.contract_id, db_serv_job_no,

    ASV.prop_seql, P.status, ASV.completion_date,


    FROM dbo.contracts C INNER JOIN P ON = P.contract_id INNER JOIN

    dbo.servicing_jobs ASV ON P.prop_seql = ASV.prop_seql

    GROUP BY P.contract_id, ASV.db_serv_job_no, ASV.prop_seql, P.status, ASV.booking_date,

    C.name_short, ASV.completion_date

    HAVING P.contract_id = 13

    AND P.status = 1

    AND MAX(ASV.completion_date) >= CONVERT(DATETIME,DATEDIFF(day, 365, GETDATE()))

    ORDER BY ASV.prop_seql

  • You have provided sample data for only 1 table, and it is not in the ""insert into table_name select values"".

    Can you repost the sample data, so it's usable by anyone who runs the script? It's easy for you by following the steps in the link Lynn has given you. It's a lot harder for us to just retype the entire data.



  • Since I have a great text editor at hand I partially fixed your data. I wasn't sure which table the data was for, so you will need to fix that part. But we also need data for the other table as well.

  • Nice job Lynn, curious to know what you have used to fix the data?



  • UltraEdit. I love the column mode. I can also do syntax highlighting in a variety of languages using it.

    I actually use UltraEdit Studio, but UltraEdit is still at the heart of it.

  • Nice, I heard it a few times, but never had the opportunity to use it. I will someday! 🙂



  • A co-worker of mine at a previous employer is so hooked on it the UltraEdit is the first thing he installs on a new computer. He then hacks the system so that UltraEdit is called for everything the Windows would normally call NotePad.

    I have to agree, it is an excellent product. You should look into it. It also has an interesting story behind it, IMHO.

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