Find identity columns near the max value

  • Is there an easy way to search a database for all identity columns and show the max value in the column and the max possible value suported by the datatype.



  • I had a go myself, and got the results, however I wonder if anyone has a better way than this.


    create table #tbl ([Table] varchar(128), [Column] varchar(128),

     [DataType] varchar(50), AvailCount bigint, MaxCount bigint)

    insert into #tbl

    select [Table], [Column], [DataType],


      when 'tinyint' then 127

      when 'smallint' then 32767

      when 'int' then 2147483647

      when 'bigint' then 9223372036854775807

     end [MaxCount],


    from   sysobjects o

    inner join  syscolumns c

    on =

    inner join  systypes t

    on c.type = t.type

    where o.xtype = 'u'

    and  c.status = 128

    and like '%int'

    order by, c.colorder

    declare @TN varchar(128), @cn varchar(128)

    declare cur cursor local fast_forward for


    , [column] from #tbl

    open cur

    fetch next from cur into @TN, @cn

    while @@fetch_status = 0


     print @TN

     exec ('declare @cnt bigint

    select @cnt = max(['+@cn+']) from ['+@tn+']

    update #tbl set maxcount = @cnt where

    = '''+@tn+''' and [column] = '''+@cn+'''


     fetch next from cur into @TN, @cn


    close cur

    deallocate cur

    select [Table], [Column], DataType, AvailCount, MaxCount,

     cast(100 * (convert(float, MaxCount) /AvailCount) as decimal(5,1)) [Percent]

    from #tbl

    order by (convert(float, MaxCount) /AvailCount) desc

    drop table #tbl

  • Hello,

    I think the case statement is fair enough as the definitions of field size are something that is not gleaned from the tables in terms of INT etc.

    The SELECT max(ident_col) might be a little hard running on some servers (especially if that column is not part of an index).   It might be better to execute a "DBCC CHECKIDENT (tablename', NORESEED)" statement as it will query the system environment for the values and not perform data selections.



  • One minor quibble is that tinyints are unsigned and have a max value of 255, not 127.  Also, IDENTITY fields may be decimal.  You could start with this:


    quotename(user_name(so.uid)) + '.' + quotename( AS TableName,

        quotename( AS IDColumn, 

        CASE sc.xtype WHEN 48 THEN CAST(255 as bigint) WHEN 52 THEN 32767 

            WHEN 56 THEN 2147483647 WHEN 127 THEN 9223372036854775807 

            ELSE POWER(10.0, xprec - xscale) - 1 END AS MaxAllowed

    FROM syscolumns sc

    INNER JOIN sysobjects so ON =

    WHERE (colstat & 1) = 1

    If you don't want to directly query system tables then you can use INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS and COLUMNPROPERTY for the query.  I agree that the SELECT MAX() on all identity fields could be a performance issue, but I suppose you have a reason to ask for it.  IDENT_CURRENT() provides the current value easily enough, but SELECT MAX() is the most obvious way to find the maximum value in the column.  DBCC CHECKIDENT returns a sentence that would have to be parsed to extract the numbers, and I'm not sure that it wouldn't have to do the equivalent of SELECT MAX() anyway.  My final version would be:


    TABLE #idents (

        id smallint IDENTITY PRIMARY key,

        TableName nvarchar(511),

        IDColumn nvarchar(255),

        MaxAllowed bigint,

        MaxUsed bigint,

        CurrentID bigint)


    DECLARE @id smallint, @cmd nvarchar(4000)

    INSERT INTO #idents (TableName, IDColumn, MaxAllowed)


        SELECT quotename(table_schema) + '.' + quotename(table_name) as TableName,

            column_name as IDColumn,

            CASE data_type WHEN 'tinyint' THEN CAST(255 as bigint) WHEN 'smallint' THEN 32767 

                WHEN 'int' THEN 2147483647 WHEN 'bigint' THEN 9223372036854775807 

                ELSE POWER(10.0, numeric_precision - numeric_scale) - 1 END AS MaxAllowed

        FROM information_schema.columns

    ) x

    WHERE COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(TableName), IDColumn, 'IsIdentity') = 1

    SET @id = @@ROWCOUNT

    WHILE @id > 0 BEGIN


            'UPDATE #idents SET MaxUsed = (SELECT MAX(<col> ) FROM <table> ),

            CurrentID = IDENT_CURRENT(''<table>'')

            WHERE id = <id>', 

            '<table>', TableName), '<col>', IDColumn), '<id>', @id), @id = @id - 1

        FROM #idents WHERE id = @id

        EXEC (@cmd)


    SELECT TableName, IDColumn, MaxAllowed, MaxUsed, CurrentID

    FROM #idents


    DROP TABLE #idents

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