Find all stored procedures that use a particular db.

  • Is there a way to list all of the stored procedures that use a particular database?

  • It might not be an exact science (depending on what your database is called), but how about:

    SELECT s.[name] AS SchemaName,
       p.[name] AS ProcedureName
    FROM sys.procedures p
      JOIN sys.schemas s ON p.schema_id = s.schema_id 
      JOIN sys.sql_modules sm ON p.object_id = sm.object_id
    WHERE sm.definition LIKE '%YourDatabaseName%';


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Works fine. Thanx

  • You might also, however, want to consider Redgate's SQL Search:


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • K. Thanx.

  • Here is some SQL I stole that will search across all databases on the server.

    DECLARE @SearchText NVARCHAR(255);

    SET @SearchText = 'DwEsIbnrAdtvFact';

    DECLARE @Results TABLE
        [SERVERNAME] VARCHAR(255),
        [DBName] VARCHAR(255),
        [NAME] VARCHAR(255),
        XTYPE VARCHAR(255)

        'SELECT DISTINCT @@SERVERNAME, ''?'' AS [DBName], so.[name], so.xtype
        FROM [?].dbo.sysobjects so WITH(NOLOCK)
            inner join [?].dbo.syscomments sc on
            INNER JOIN [?].sys.databases d ON
                AND NOT IN ( ''tempdb'',''master'',''msdb'',''ReportServer'')
        WHERE sc.text like ''%'+ @SearchText + '%'''
    INSERT INTO @Results
    EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @SQL

    SELECT *
    FROM @Results
    ORDER BY DBName, XType, [Name]

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • One more place to check is in the base_object_name of sys.synonyms.  That might hide the fact that a query is really using a different database.

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