Extra Stored procedures are created in transactional subscriber

  • Hi guys,

    Why some extra stored procedures are created under transactional subscriber database 0n 2005

    starting with "sp_MSdel_dboxxxxx"

  • These stored procs are what replications uses by default for inserting/deleting/updating records on the subscriber. You can change this to use INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE statements if you wish. These are set as either article properties (if you want to change them on an individual article basis) or for all articles in the publication.

  • Thank you for your valuable answer,

    How can we change the article properties,If we change the article properties whether it will affect the exiisting replication process.

    What about the replication performance if extra procedures are being created in subscriber


  • You can change the properties when you create the article - you may notice elipses (...) next to the table name. In the same dialog, you should see an option to change the settings for all articles.

    Will it affect the current publication/subscriber - I can't remember. I suggest that you do some testing.

    As for whether it will affect performance - yes, there is a reason that MS chose to make this the default. Having stored procedures do the work is not an overhead since the query plans are cached and re-used. It is unlikely that individual SQL commands (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) will have their plans cached.

    So, it is probably more efficient to use the existing stored procedures.

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