@@ERROR problems

  • I am trying to work with @@ERROR and am having problems with a simple statement <below>

    -- Begin Statement

    declare @error_val int

    select * from sysbutt where name ='mast'

    select @error_val = @@error

    --set @error_val = (@@error)

    if @error_val <> 0

    print 'Please select the correct table'


    -- End Statement

    When I run the statement is show that the table is not correct but does not send the print statement (error code)I am looking for. Any Ideas?

  • @@Error will only contain a value if your select statement actually generates a SQL error, like if there is no field named 'name'.

    I think what you are wanting to do would be accomplished by @@Rowcount

  • In your example, you won't get the output from your print statement because the error occurs in the parse and compile of the statement. So the @@ERROR variable isn't set.

    Hope this helps

    Phill Carter


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • The error is too severe to allow the batch to continue, so you are erroring out of the process before your error handling statements. Perhaps you could use something like this:

    IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('sysbutt'), 'istable') IS NULL
    PRINT 'Please select the correct table'
    SELECT *
    FROM sysbutt
    WHERE Name ='mast'



  • Thank you for your post. Is there a way to get the parse errors also?

    Two Things:
    1. Exec ([dynamicSQL]) is not a "script stopping" error if it fails.
    2. Adding "WHERE 1=2" causes the query plan to only return the result's "structure"
    thus no table "data" is physically read, giving very fast results even if the
    statement is correct and many rows would normally be returned.
    Set NoCount On
    Declare @SQL VarChar(8000)

    Select @SQL = 'Select * from BadTable'
    Exec ('Select * Into #Temp From (' + @SQL + ') A where 1=2')
    Print 'Error:' + Convert(Varchar(10), @@Error)

    Select @SQL = 'Select * from SysObjects where BadColName = 1'
    Exec ('Select * Into #Temp From (' + @SQL + ') A where 1=2')
    Print 'Error:' + Convert(Varchar(10), @@Error)

    Select @SQL = 'Select * from SysObjects where Name like ''x%'' '
    Exec ('Select * Into #Temp From (' + @SQL + ') A where 1=2')
    Print 'Error:' + Convert(Varchar(10), @@Error)

    Print 'Script gets to here...'
    Select * from BadTable
    Print 'Error:' + Convert(Varchar(10), @@Error)
    Print 'Script does NOT get to here...'

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • Soory, seems the above post does not want to Cut & Paste Nicely so...


    Two Things:

    1. Exec ([dynamicSQL]) is not a "script stopping" error if it fails.

    2. Adding "WHERE 1=2" causes the query plan to only return the result's "structure"

    thus no table "data" is physically read, giving very fast results even if the

    statement is correct and many rows would normally be returned.


    Set NoCount On

    Declare @SQL VarChar(8000)

    Select @SQL = 'Select * from BadTable'

    Exec ('Select * Into #Temp From (' + @SQL + ') A where 1=2')

    Print 'Error:' + Convert(Varchar(10), @@Error)

    Select @SQL = 'Select * from SysObjects where BadColName = 1'

    Exec ('Select * Into #Temp From (' + @SQL + ') A where 1=2')

    Print 'Error:' + Convert(Varchar(10), @@Error)

    Select @SQL = 'Select * from SysObjects where Name like ''x%'' '

    Exec ('Select * Into #Temp From (' + @SQL + ') A where 1=2')

    Print 'Error:' + Convert(Varchar(10), @@Error)

    Print 'Script gets to here...'

    Select * from BadTable

    Print 'Error:' + Convert(Varchar(10), @@Error)

    Print 'Script does NOT get to here...'

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • there is no importance to use @@ERROR in Select statement

    it is good to use @@ERROR in any updata , insert and delete statements

    here is a good way to do this by making a transaction


    - @Err is an output that will indate an error happenes (like key vaulation or deplicate key when trying to insert in PK field)

    and @Err will have the sum of errors the returns ... and if @Err = 0 , so there is no errors


    ALTER Procedure Anything

    @Err integer output


    Begin transaction

    set @Err = 0 -- no errors

    /*update statement here .. so .. */

    set @Err = @Err + @@Error

    /*Select statement here .. so no statement here */

    if @Err = 0

    commit transaction


    Rollback transaction


    Alamir Mohamed


    Alamir Mohamed

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