Error Codes in a SP.

  • I want to trap the Error codes generated during Insert, Update, Delete in SP

    in SQLSERVER 2000 and return the customer the custom error messages.

    I can do this in PL/SQL tracking the following exceptions:

    • row_has_changed
    • parent_not_found
    • resource_busy
    • deadlock_detected
    • maxtranexception -- When maximum number of transaction are exceeded

    I want to track the list and more errors if possible. I understand the custom messages start from 50,0001.

    Appreciate all your help in helping me track the error

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  • One way to trap the error is to use the @@ERROR global variable in the stored procedure.

    for eg.,

    INSERT INTO tableA Values (1,2,3)

    SET @m_err = @@ERROR

    IF @m_err = 1202

    print "Deadlock error."

    IF @m_err = 547

    print "A check constraint violation occurred"

    You can find all the error messages in sysmessages table in master database from which you can find maching error numbers for the error messages required for you.

    However note that if severity of error is higher, the stored procedure execution might abort before executing the IF condition that checks @@error.

  • I forgot to mention that to raise a custom error you can use RAISERROR statement

  • Within stored procedures, you can use:

    return <numeric_value>

    which you client app should be able to trap espically if you are using ADO.

    You can put any numeric value for the return value which could be a specific error code.

    Also, if you are using ADO, you should be able to use the Error Object to get error codes and messages. You can use raiserror to generate your own error codes and messages.

    Hope this helps.


  • To add to rajeshpatavardhan, first check to see if @m_err <> 0, then start custom error checking.

    Everett Wilson

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