ERROR ... cant figure it out

  • i have a error... not sure what its about .. this error occurs when i run my proc that runs dbcc dbreindex on all the tables in the DB.. it only runs to a point.. first i thought it was a table.. i figured out what table it was erroring on, dropped it.. and it happened again. i am just looking for a push into the right direction, THANKS !

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]ConnectionRead (WrapperRead()).

    Server: Msg 11, Level 16, State 1, Line 0

    General network error. Check your network documentation.

    Connection Broken

  • It does indeed look like a network/connectivity error, though sometimes these messages can be a bit fuzzy and misleading.

    Have you looked in the SQL Server log and the Eventlog for any additional errors/messages/clues..?


  • ok.. checked the logs. no indication of the problem BUT i was running the proc from my workstation when i got the error, used our treminal services and got onto the server itself and the proc ran with out any problem. i my have a issue with out network group downstairs.... but the proc ran when i was term'ed into the server... hmmmmm

  • found the resoloution to the problem.. known bug in SQL Server. had to force the use of TCP/IP instead of NAMED PIPES and error goes away...

    Check out this link...;en-us;827452

    Here is the resolution portion of that:

    To work around the problem, use the TCP/IP Net-Library instead of the Named Pipes Net-Library to connect to the SQL Server database, and then back up or restore the database.

    For the exact steps to set the TCP/IP network library on the client where you are performing the backup or the restore operation, see the "How to configure a client to use TCP/IP (Client Network Utility)" chapter in SQL Server 2000 Books Online.

    When you connect to an instance of SQL Server by using SQL Query Analyzer, you can force the connection to use the TCP/IP Net-Library. To do this, type the name of the instance of SQL Server with the tcp prefix in the SQL Server text box in the Connect to SQL Server dialog box. This appears as follows:


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