Error attaching and restoring a SQL 2000 database

  • Hi there

    Help needed desperately!!

    Last week I needed to add more disk space to our SQL 2000 server, so I ran a back-up, copied the files over to another server, copied the back-up and checked the previous Arcserve tapes to see that we had a back-up there as well.

    There were 3 databases to move, all related to Windows SharePoint Services.

    Well I installed the new drives which involved wiping the existing drives and creating a new array.  Copied over the 2 smaller databases which attached no problem.  Then I set the remaining database copying over, which was 85 GB for the MDF and LDF files.  When I try to attach these files I get the following error:

     Error 9004: An error occurred while processing the log for database 'sts_hisweb_1'.

    So then I tried to restore the .bak file which resulted in another error, after over 5 hours of running (can't remember what and don't want to run it again!) Both these errors suggest that the files have corrupted whilst copying to the other server, despite the file properties being identical.

    I have gone back to my Arcserve tapes, which will happily restore every other file except the database that I need - Arcserve sits there doing nothing whilst the SQL Agent appears to be struggling to recreate the database. We have had some Arcserve engineers in who have sent the logs off to CA to examine, but they are initially suggesting that the files on the tapes are corrupt - I can't believe this has happened on several tapes, so I am awaiting and hoping for something from CA.

    So, my questions are;

    1. Has anyone had any problems with Arcserve restoring large databases like this?  Are there any time-out settings to tweak in the SQL Agent?
    2. Can anyone give me the exact Checkdb script to run to try and restore/salvage something from the corrupt files?  As we use this for SharePoint we aren't exactly SQL experts and everything else I have found on the web seems too vague or isn't working.
    3. Should I call Microsoft Support?  We are based in Thailand at an International School, and I have no idea whether the support would be anygood over here!

    Any and all help and suggestions would be gratefully received.



  • Have you attempted to attach that database only using the data file and letting sql server recreate the log file?


    Jason P. Burnett
    Senior DBA

  • I would definitely call MS/PSS to make sure your SQL and Sharepoint environment is up to snuff while letting CA do their thing. Your location in the world should not make a difference in the level of support you receive since you are in a 'server down' situation.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Yes, we have tried to attach the mdf without the ldf but to no avail.

    We will be calling MS/PSS today!

  • Hi there

    The problem is solved!

    In the end the restore from tape worked, it just takes a really long time and sits there for about 3 hours seemingly doing nothing!  A watched pot never boils, and so I left it over night and in the morning it was all there!


  • I also have a similar problem but in my case .BAK is corrupt and I have lost MDF. Can anyone suggest a possible way to restore the corrupt .BAK file

  • If your datas or backups corrupted you can repair them with Nucleus Sql Recovery program.

  • GURAY (11/23/2007)

    If your datas or backups corrupted you can repair them with Nucleus Sql Recovery program.[/quote%5D

    Be careful. As with all such software, it can only *try* to repair data that isn't damaged or totally inaccessible. Repair using such a tool will not bring back corrupt data.


    Paul Randal
    CEO, Check out SQLskills online training! Twitter: @PaulRandal
    SQL MVP, Microsoft RD, Contributing Editor of TechNet Magazine
    Author of DBCC CHECKDB/repair (and other Storage Engine) code of SQL Server 2005

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