Enterprise Manager

  • I have rented out some SQL Server space at a hosting company. I want to connect to the remote SQL Server database using something like enterprise manager. However, my only computer is running Windows 98. Do they make a sort of Enterprise Manager type tool for remotely administering databases using Windows 98? If so, where can I get it? If not, can anyone suggestion a work around?

  • The Microsoft SQL Server client tools can be installed on a Windows 98 platform. What you may have to do is go into the Client Network Utility (also part of the SQL Server client tools) and set up an alias which points to IP address and port for the SQL Server at the remote hosting company. For instance:

    Then you can connect to the server in Enterprise Manager using the alias you've given it. For instance:

    Then you should be able to connect and administer your system. For instance:

    Hope that helps.

    K. Brian Kelley



    K. Brian Kelley

  • Just keep in mind that with EM most actions go through your local system. It can really make a difference over a slow link! So when EM appears to hang when you do some large Megabyte thing... think network traffic.

    Depends of course on what you want to do with EM.

  • jamyer is right. Just connecting in EM runs quite a few queries. Same for the first time you open most folders in EM. Increase your timeouts.

    Steve Jones


  • Have you tried using SQL Editor (available from http://www.sqleditor.com)? It's a database object manager (no access to data, just object definitions). You may be able to connect to your database if you know the SQL Server's IP address.

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