Empty Dates into SQL

  • There some questions here about the utilization of Empty dates into SQL.

    I have one Table where one of the Fields is Type DateTime, this Field have a restriction of Not Null.


     [FIELD_CHAR] [char] (5) NOT NULL ,

     [FIELD_DATE] [datetime] NOT NULL ,




    &nbsp  ON [PRIMARY]

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    When I INSERT some data into this TABÑE from FOX PRO the Date Field in Fox Pro has a value called Empty, this data Updates SQL and the data is represented into SQL as:

    1900-01-01 00:00:00.000

    How I can avoid that? Without make nulleable the field 'FIELD_DATE'.

    Maybe there is some data type callled Empty in SQL also?




  • No, there is no "Empty" value for a date in sql.

    Null means not available, or not defined.

    If you do not allow NULLS, then you must supply a date.

    You can set up a default on the column for a specific date, or getdate().

    but its my guess that when your populating the date from foxpro it is supplying the 01/01/1900 value.


  • Yes, there is, they name it "NULL".

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • As everyone else said....if you set the column for NOT NULL, then you must provide a datetime. If you don't provide a datetime, then the default is used. If you don't provide a default, then the 'built-in' datetime default is used and that is what you are seeing. 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000 is the built-in default.


  • if you pass zero to a date time field, it is a valid date. that date is 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000 of course, so i think your foxpro database has zeros for a number of your date fields you are playing with.


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