DTS - SQL Statement to Excel

  • Hi,

    I have created a view (SQL Server 2000) and want to publish the results of the view to excel.

    I have set up a DTS with this in mind and scheduled the task to run every week. I have just tested the DTS before the schedule time but it appends the data to the existing data. Is there any option within DTS to force an create or overwrite?

    If theer is not - How do you add a Step 1 to the DTS to 'master..xp_cmdshell "del filename"' so that the excel file is deleted.


  • Hello,

    Click on "Execute SQL Task" icon and place it on the designer window in DTS. Here you need to have the existing connection selected and give the required SQL statement to delete the existing excel file before proceeding with the data transformation. Then you need to set Workflow properties by selecting all the task items, so that when the DTS is executed then the first step executed is the file deletion and then the data transformation.

    Hope this helps you.




  • Hi

    I achieve this in a different way.

    Once I have saved the view i open Excel and under the DATA heading in the main menu, you will see Import External Data from this select New Database Query. This will bring up a list of all of the databases you can access.

    Select the database you require, and a list of all of the table and views will appear, if you do not see the views, click the option button below which has a tick box to display them. Select the view you require and open it, and pass across the fields you wich to see.

    Follow through the NEXT buttons, these offer you additional options of sorting and filtering, when you get to finish, make sure Return Data to Excel is selected and select the cell where you wish your results to start.

    Once all the data has appeared, at any time you can right mouse click on any cell containing your results and select Refresh Data, from that same list you can also select Data Range Properties that will provide you with many other options, such as Refresh on Opening, fill down adjacent formulas, keep cell formatting etc




  • Thanks to both of you...

    I have already adopted the New Database Query method on previous project and this has worked well.

    The reason for doing it the DTS method is that I can schedule the task at a specific time and also guaranteeing a snap shot of that data.

    I have successsfully tested and completed the DTS method without duplication.

  • You can also use an Active X Script task in DTS to delete the file:



    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

     Dim fso, filespec

     Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

     filespec = \\Server\path\file.xls

     If (fso.FileExists(filespec)) Then


     End If

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

  • Thanks again for keeping me informed...

    I have been been misleading myself. I thought that setting up a DTS with a connection and a defined Excel file via a view would be easy.

    The stages are...

    1. It needs the ActiveX script to delete the Excel file

    2. It needs the SQL Statement to run the View

    3. It also needs transform to copy the data to excel


    Stages 1 and 2 are successful but it fails on stage 3 on 'The Microsoft Jet Database could not find object...'

    What am I doing wrong



  • same thing here: after deleting a file it wont find a worksheet as the file no longer exists. is there a way to create a file with preformatted worksheet before transferring data from database? or what is the correct scenario?





  • when u click on transformation and go to destination tab it will pop up a "Create table script" copy that and add a step following your delete Excel script.

    Step1: Delete Excel using active x script

    Step2. Create Destination(Connection pointing to Excel)

    Step3.Transformation from SQL to Excel.

    Hope this helps



  • How did you create destination? workflow tasks will not work between these types


  • the following worked for me:

    no need to delete or create anything !

    use txt file instead of xls from the DTS objects

    and call the file myfile.csv.

    DTS is overwritting txt files on one hand (and csv is txt file)

    and excell knows how to read csv files perfectly.

  • I tried the csv route but just could not get it to do what I want (send via email attachment with Blat). I am using an Execute Process Task instead that runs a .bat file with these two lines in it:

    del "C:\UserLog.xls"

    copy "C:\UserLogBlank.xls" "C:\UserLog.xls"

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