
  • Jasmine - glad you're staying!

    We're working on trying to get some of the downloads made available to SSC members without the demographic requirement. Hopefully we'll get that done in the next couple days.



  • I was annoyed at the email. I let sqlservercentral thru my spam filter and didn't expect an ad. I immediately opted out of further emails.


    Greg Young

  • I received it and deleted it immediately as I am a developer and not responsible for this area.

  • I recieved the email, opened it and didnt have any issue whatsoever with you sending it to me.

    Obviously you are running a business and need to generate revenue streams from somewhere, plus I've demo'd double-take in the past and thought it was a great tool (but ultimately one we didnt go with because we did something else instead).


  • These marketing people need to get a clue.

    I had signed up to an information website that promised product whitepapers (not you guys). Since my contact information was part of the original signup I was extremely annoyed that each time I asked for another paper, I was prompted again, which generally got me to cancel the whole download.

    The REAL CLINCHER came when I did finally download a paper (pdf), suffered through the absurdity of resubmitting information, and after I looked at it passed it to my boss to review. Incredibly, they had it set up to ask for his information when opened on his machine. Needless to say, that product was promptly eliminated from consideration, and I cancelled my subscription to that website.


    -- FORTRAN manual for Xerox Computers --

  • i have installed double take for securizing production servers (virtual servers and databases) and i want to give us my experience about this product:

    1 about Price:

    about 3000 eu for each host server - windows standard edition

    about 5000 eu for each host server - windows enterprise edition

    about 8000 eu for a pack 5 virtual servers - windows standard edition

    and prices include all features (replication sql server, exchange)

    support is about 10% of price of product on year and don't forget that u need at least to have 2 licences to make replications.

    quite expensive i find!!

    3.about support

    they say ofently to put the new update, don't know really and even don't solve problems..

    2. about performance:

    - double take is running well is you want replicate vmware servers or file servers, sql servers,exchange which contain less than 500 Go datas.But don't take it if you have more datas...

    - double take has some bug in replications, even in admin console where i find its to much bad made.

    - some times, double take stop replication and stay in pause mode, and no others way to make it running that to disconnect replication and to reinitialize it... so it takes a lot of time to be synchronized coz double take compare each block on botch side..

    - i just discuss with a disaster recovery specialist and we are agree to say that pb with double take is that its not implementing check points in its mechanisms which garanties that datas on this time are validated ( like in sql mechanism) so in anyway datas replicated can be corrupted and your disaster recovery plan is faulted. I experienced this in tests of disaster recovery plan: 1 time over 8 when i test  a crash of replicated servers, datas are corrupted in recovery site and i lost all datas (sql server,vmware,....). I need to find solutions...

    i heard that windows will come on this market and i think will kill double take coz of this problem ... if they d'ont find a solution:

    actual version of windows 2003 R2 announce it by doing DFS-R and soon windows longorn.

    Wait other comments or notes about it..


  • From the way I understand it where the data is plugged into you can't get a corrupt MDF. 

  • I have used Double-Take.  I never had a need to actually utilize the replication feature.  The standard replication wasn't an option.  The Database had been designed in a way that Replication would fail.  There were so many tables that didn't have proper keys.  Some joins were done using wildcard (*).  As a result, when the select returns data, additional columns were returned causing the application to fail.



  • But that's the whole reason to replicate using Double take.  It don't care about the SQL database and it's structure.  You simply protect the instance for example.  So the whole contents are replicated to the other side.  You've got the data on the other box and you could fail the instance over to the target box.  It's not like SQL replication that requires all these requirments to be met.  It just basicly puts a copy of your whole database on the other side.

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