DNS problems

  • When my ASP uses a DSN it sometimes fails with the error:

    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired

    /reviewer/index2.asp, line 23

    Where line 23 is the line with my server and DSN info in it.

    I have tried to create different DSNs to use and I get the following error when trying to add a new system DSN with SQL server authentication to contact my server:

    Connection Failed:

    SQLState: 'HYT00'

    SQL Server Error: 0

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired.

    Once I answer OK to the error and try to add the DSN again or refresh my ASP page that errored out, it works fine. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this problem as to why my DSNs are failing.

    if at first you don't succeed, try failure it is probably more your style.

    Thanks For your continued Help.

  • DSN's are nothing complicated - just a way to edit a connection string really. I'd suggest looking at server performance when you get the time outs, also network traffic. Have to find out why the connection is timing out, not always easy to find!


  • I'm assuming your SQL Server box is on a separate server from your IIS server. If that's the case, make sure that you've chosen a Net-Library other than Named Pipes.

    We had an application where the connection between a COM+ server and the SQL Server was set up by the developers to use Named Pipes. We had them switch the Net-Library to TCP/IP and timeout errors disappeared. That's one possibility, if you haven't already looked in that direction.

    K. Brian Kelley



    K. Brian Kelley

  • My Network Libraries all use TCP/IP from the time I set up the DSN. There are not users connected to this machine since it is still in it's testing phases. The network traffic is very minimal. When I get these errors all it takes is one refresh and then I get through fine. If I wait 10 minutes or so, I will get the same errors. The IIS Server will time out when trying to connect to an SQL server that is a different box as well as the same box using "LocalServer" DSN. I may need to re-load SQL 6.5

    if at first you don't succeed, try failure it is probably more your style.

    Thanks For your continued Help.

  • Now I can not even create a DSN that connects to another server without getting the following error message:

    Connection failed:

    SQLState: '01000'

    SQL Server Error: 10060

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets] ConnectionOpen (connect())

    Connection failed:

    SQLState: '08001'

    SQL Server Error: 11

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]General network error. Check your network documentation.

    This comes right after I enter my SQL server authenticity information of the DSN creation. I am totally thrown for a loop here.

    Thanks For your continued Help.

    Thanks For your continued Help.

  • I am recieving the same type of errer "General network error. Check your network documentation. Connection Open(RPCopen)" error message while I am attempting to register another server to the list of servers in EMC???

    Any Ideas???


  • Can you ping the server? Connect to it with Query Analyzer?



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