difference between 2 SQL servers

  • Hi,

    I am running the same SQL select query in 1 SQL server and gets output of 1 row (e.g: abcd " efg)

    In another SQL server which is refrshed from the first one, the same select output is:


    " efg

    2 lines instead of one.

    Does anybody have an idea?



  • what are your select query and output format


  • Before posting any question please provide the details of the table and data and then the query. Just specifying that query is running differently will not help us in finding the solution.


    Amit kulkarni

  • OK, thanks and sorry.


    Select description from table1 where id = 9992

  • and can you please check in both server, query output option is selected to same format.

    Either to grid or to text


  • In both the result is the same... I tried both (grid and text).

  • if the values in tables stored in similar way in both the server then its definately some setting which is changing he view.

    Which sql version you using??


  • Same SQL 2005 server with the same product version.

  • Check the ANSI server settings

    edit: This is weird and I think there's some missing info. Can you post a screenshot of both results please?

  • Hi, thanks.

    Do you know which ANSI can be related to? how can I know what are the settings defined on each server?



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